Sunday, February 23, 2014

Toys for Car Seats?


I am going to be traveling with my baby to Florida in a few weeks. She is only 8 weeks old but hates to sleep. Any suggestions on some car seat toys that might keep her occupied? Or something that worked for anyone else on long car trips?

That seems young to travel, But I have no objections to it.

Most places that sell baby toys sell car seat toys that jingle, and have lots of colors, and are fun for the young ones to chew on, another plus is they attach to the car seat so they cant throw the toys or drop them.

But most babies fall asleep on long cars rides. It's soothing to them.
But if it's going to be sunny get sun sheilds for your windows the hot sun with bother her.

Tips for traveling with a 7 week old baby via car?

God Bless

We are planning to drive from George to MA over the Holidays. We have stop overs planed in NC, VA etc.. to break up the trip. Any advice is more than welcomed. Mom is also breastfeeding. and I am concerned about keeping up the milk supply.

We took an eight hour trip with an 10 week old this summer. It was actually much easier than I thought.

First, plan a stop every two hours. If you don't need to stop every two hours, you'll still have the time built into your schedule and won't get behind.

Second, plan to start your trip at baby's usual nap time or better yet, if he sleeps longer at night, try driving through the night. The longer baby is asleep, the fewer stops you'll have to make and the less crying he'll be doing.

Third, if you have started feeding breastmilk in a bottle, get a couple feedings ready. I know it's not the best but if you are in a pinch and can't stop, mom or dad can climb in the backseat and bottle-feed while going down the road.

Fourth, hang some toys from the car seat. This will give the little guy something to look at and keep him entertained. You might even try one of those mirrors that attach to the seat. Babies love to look at faces and he can help keep himself company.

Next, pack all of his things on the top of the trunk. Make them easy to get to in case you need something in a hurry. Also, make sure there is plenty of room in the backseat for mom or dad to ride. Baby might be more comfortable just knowing someone is there.

If mom is breastfeeding, I suggest a small manual or battery operated pump and one of those breastfeeding cover-ups so she can relieve the pressure on the road. The pump will be small enough to deal with in the car and the cover-up will give her some privacy. Be sure to have an ice chest to store the milk in. You can also put the breast milk parts in a plastic bag and store in the cooler after pumping. This way you don't have to wash the parts before you pump again or you can wash them when you get to the next gas station without having to scrub too much.

And last but certainly not least, go in expecting and planning for the worst. Then when it doesn't happen, you won't be so worried about the couple small problems that did happen.

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