Saturday, February 22, 2014

Need ideas for plane travel with a 10 month old and 6 year old.?


We are flying down to Florida with our 10 month old son and 6 year old daughter. We have never flown with kids before. I have things that my daughter can do..Video Now player, CD player, coloring, but I need ideas for my 10 month old son. The drive to the airport is about 45 minutes so he'll probably sleep then and he doesn't like to sit still very long while awake. It is a direct 2 1/2 hour flight and I'm really not sure how to keep him busy.

Buy one of those stroller activity toys that has a variety of things to do on them. Bring pop up books, finger foods, a small light up play talking telephone,,,,
I would provide new toys, and a couple of their favorites.

They don't have to stay buckled the whole flight,,so you can play w/ them in your lap,,and stand between you in the seat,,and talk to the passenger behind you if you see that they want to visit. ( i heard somethign about their ears popping,,,either you give them a bottle, pacifier on take off or you don' need to find out.. and also...I am not telling you to "drug' your child by any means...
but bring a tylenol and give them incase their ears do hurt,, and that are taking care of that problem and also making them sleepy on the other hand.

You will see that most passengers are is because they took Dramine..that makes you sleepy.

The trip to Florida will have a lot of children on your won't be the only one,,,,and if it is a big jet,,it will have a large tv screen.

Have fun!

Traveling with 1 year old, entertainment?

New Mommy!

I was hoping some of you can give me ideas on how to entertain my 1 year old on a plane.

Our flight is at 7 am and is 3 hours long. This is a looong time for a 1 year old to sit still. What should I pack for him to keep him entertained? Also, what helps with the ears, I know for a little baby feeding them at take off and landing helps ease discomfort?

Thanks in advance!

Buy new toys and don't let him see then until after you see him start getting aggitated on the plane. Save them until the last possible second lol. Luckily, its only 3 hours and will go by quickly. And light snacks he can munch on. I brought toy cars for my son and it was a 6 hour flight he did very well. Just make sure the toys are new to him.

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