Wednesday, May 14, 2014

flying with a tw yr old and 2 month old?

Sharon S

I am going to be taking my 2 kids on an airplane in a few weeks and there dad is not going to be able to come with us. is there any suggestions for keeping my son (2) ocupied on the plan and at the airport since we will have a three hour lay over.

I traveled a few years ago with my 3 year old and 3 month old. It really went so much better that I was prepared for!

First of all - bring snacks! I bought a bunch of snack-size teddy grahams & goldfish crackers pouches, as well as some juice boxes. You might want to also consider bringing one or two more "substantial" snacks - a couple bananas, a bagel, snack-pack applesauce, etc.

The second thing is, of course, distraction/amusement. We bought my daughter her own little tiny backpack and filled it with - a coloring book & crayons, a board book, her favorite blankie, and couple of small toys. I also threw a couple snack goodies in there for her to find (A bag of M&M's and some fruit leather).

The other thing that helped us keep our daughter occupied was a walkman/cd palyer. I brought a "Toddler Favorites" cd and ALOT of extra batteries. She listened to that cd player from the minute the flight attendant said that it was ok to turn it on until we were about to land. She kind of quietly bopped to the music and even cat-napped a bit.

As far as the baby, I was just sure to have her nursing when we took off and when we landed, to help her with the ear-pressure adjustment.

Take care and Good luck!!! :)

traveling w/cat need sound advice?

dreamer an

I will travel by air for nine hours w/my four yr old fem cat. How will this affect her sensitive ears. Should she be tranquilized.Pls advise any way to make her comfortable

Here are some helpful tips!!

1. Make a reservation for your cat.

2. Check the carrier meets airline requirements. Check The airlines website for more information.

3. At security NEVER let your cat out of the bag in a public area. Ask for a private screening.

4. Make sure your cat is familiar with carrier well before you fly. Just leave the carrier out somewhere in your house so that she can inspect.

5. Travel with a plastic container of frozen water so that your cat may lick during the flight if she gets thirsty.

6. Don't forget a favorite toy.

7. Make sure your cat has more proper identification.

8. Make sure the carrier has your name and address on it too.

9. Don't feed your cat before the flight.

10. Buy some puppy training pads and place it on the ground of the carrier just incase of a accident. And take some for when you come back.

Bon Voyage!! :)


You may want to ask the vet about all of this. Especially about her ear situation.

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