Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Looking for toys for 2-4 year olds to have in the car while on vacation to keep them happy..Any suggestions?


We're going to Florida from Texas this weekend with a 4 year old boy and a 2 year old girl and they need toys to keep them busy!

This is a hard one. You will have much more luck with the 4 year old than the 2 year old, simply because you have to worry about choking hazards with the younger one. music and DVD's (if you have them) are always good (there are specific CD's/Tapes made for road trips) and coloring books/regular picture books, are also a staple.
For some other more specific ideas, Lauri makes travel totes that are have lots of activities in each package. You can look at them on their website (ones for the 4 yr old under Activity Packs and even one suitable for the 2 yr old under Toys for Twos--the Toddler Tote). Another idea is Wikki Stix (they are wax sticks that can be manipulated to make fun stuff, like clay but without the mess, and they can even be put on car windows!). Alex makes a fun craft activity kit that hangs from the back of a car seat (although you would have to take out some of the crafts to make it suitable for the 2yr old) and there is also a magnetic license plate game :)
Magnetic drawing boards (such as the one made by Battat below) are also good because they are self contained.
A good selection of activity books for all ages can be fount on the Buki website,and I am also a fan of discovering pictures by pencil shading for the younger one (like paint with water, only with a pencil so better for the car).
Websites for everything below (although I'm sure you can find a lot of it at a local toy store). Good Luck!!

what are few good games electronic and other for 4 year old?


what are few good games electronic and other for 4 year old boy during a long international flight.. we are travelling in few months and i have ababy as well with me.. my older one is not using any electronic game till now but i want something really interesting to be with us so he can sit in his seat.. any suggestions?

Make sure to pack plenty of things to entertain your child, such as a few books, toys, a portable DVD player (be sure to bring extra batteries) or let him use your laptop (make sure it's fully charged) with a few movies, and one or two comfort things such as a favorite blankie or stuffed animal. I always bring a small pillow and blanket from home for my children (even now) because I know 100% that they are clean, and my children are accustomed to them.

My children like to bring along their own coloring books, a Doodle Pad, their Leap Pads (with a few booklets), and scrap paper that they can make their own drawings with and play games such as tic-tac-toe. My daughter used to like to bring along a doodle bear when she was younger so that she could draw on that as well, and my son likes to bring along some action figures to play with. I found that buying a Rose Art kit is great! It has crayons, markers, coloring books, coloring sheets, and stickers that they can color. It definitely keeps them entertained!

You can also play games like pat-a-cake, or I-spy, and tell stories to your child as well. If you tell a story, try to make it an interactive one where he has a part in it so he stays interested.

You might also consider going to the store and letting your child (I let my children start this at the age of one) pick out his own carry on bag and a few inexpensive toys that will be used only once you are on the plane. Be sure to pick out a few toys without him seeing so that he has an extra surprise when he opens his carry on.

Bring Snacks! just add water packets of food, cheerios, goldfish, animal crackers, dried fruit, etc. are great. New regulations also allow you to take beverages (including water) from home as long as they are less than 3oz (100ml), -OR- beverages (including water) of any size that you have purchased from inside the security area onto planes. You can also bring a limited amount of baby food, yogurt, cheese, puddings, etc. with you also as long as they are in containers less than 3oz (100ml)

Save your money when it comes to buying water though because the Flight Attendants will provide you with hot or cold water (or any other drink) free at any time that you request, no matter how many times you request it.

've been flying internationally and domestically with my children since they were 2 months (now 8, 6, and 3 months). At least three trips a year are the children and I traveling internationally (14+ hours each way) alone. In addition to that, we do another 8-10 international and domestic flights a year as a family. I have never had any problems with my children on any of the flights.

I wrote a small article about flying with children that goes more in-depth, gives security rules and regulations for the US, EU, UK, and Australia, offers tips and tricks for the travel, etc. http://www.angelfire.com/jamiehassen79/flying_children.html

If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

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