Friday, September 6, 2013

does anyone have advice for flying with a very active toddler?

toddler travel on airplane on Personalized Airplane Backpack
toddler travel on airplane image

I am looking for some suggestions for holistic remedies and tips for making a 5 and half hour plane ride bearable with a toddler that doesn't sit still for 5 minutes. Someone suggested Benadryl for kids, but I'm not sure about that. I know there are some homeopathic options out there. Has anyone tried any that work well?

I fly fairly frequently with my 3 1/2 year old and heâs a handful under the best of circumstances. The good news is the white noise from the engines is apt to make him a little groggy. Bad news, of course, is groggy isnât asleep and even if it results in sleep, heâs not apt to sleep the whole time. Some tips I have learned in the trenches. If possible, schedule your flight for his natural sleep time. It will be easier for him to quiet if his internal clock is putting a little pressure on him. Stay away from Benadryl if you can, especially if your child has never taken it. It can jazz your child up even more. Worse, it can dry out his sinuses too much and you might wind up with a sinus infection on your hands once you arrive at your destination. I have had great success with a little all natural oil with real lavender (not just lavender scent.) I just rub it on his temples or put some on his blanket. Lavender is a proven sleep aid. I also have him drink a little chamomile tea sweetened with honey. This may be tough with the restrictions on liquids. I just take some tea and make let it steep while on the plane. These two things work wonders in calming my little spitfire. I also suggest you get a couple of new little things for him/her to play with on the plane. Don't let your child see them before you get on the plane and only give one at a time. It will be like little presents and that is always a fun diversion. Other than that, get plenty of rest yourself before you leave and try to be patient. Ignore any "looks" you get from other passengers, and don't be afraid to ask for help. If you have connections, by all means travel with a stroller and gate check it. It will be a life saver between gates and flights if only to keep your child contained. Good luck. If you get yourself in the right mindset, I think you'll have a lot of fun. My son and I love our ADVENTURES ON AIRPLANES.

how to carry the kids and luggage when changing the airplanes?


I am traveling internationally (18 hours trip, we change the plane twice) with my 2 kids. My older son is 2 years and 6 months and baby 5 months. I am thinking how I will carry the kids and luggage, in case I have to check the luggage when I change the plane.
Any info and advice will be helpful. Thank you.

Wow what a flight! 18hours with with two toddlers :) You are a brave women!

If you are with the same airline your bags will automatically be transferred. If not, then I think if you can contact the airline ahead of time you can probably arrange to get a stroller at your destination OR get your stroller on the plane so you can take it off once you reach your destination. I am sure it will be fine though, like something can be arranged for sure.
I wish you the best of luck with your flight and arrangements with your children and baggage :)
Happy flying!

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