Sunday, September 15, 2013

What Should I Name my Dog Accessories Business?

travel toys online on Abbreviated longhand: Angus Bowman Weaver: Books
travel toys online image


Hi, I am starting to make quilts, dog beds and sleeping bags, toys, travel pillows, and leashes. My name in Alex. I am wanting to donate 10% of the sale to a local dachshund rescue. I will be making my own website and will be advertising other places online, but I am unsure of what I should name my "business". Please if you have an idea let me know.

"Pampered Pups"
"Dog's Paradise"
"Super Dog Accessories from Alex"

Hope you like them ( :

What do I need to do to breed and sell feeder mice in North Carolina? Is there a license needed?


A store that I used to work for has been out of business in Chapel Hill, NC for over a year now. It was the only store in the area that sold feeder mice and rats to reptile owners. I want to start breeding feeder mice for people so that they don't have to travel to get them or order them online anymore. I'm just not sure what that entails. Any help would be nice.

Will, I am a PET rat breeder... But I will help you because all creatures have to eat... Get a male and female, put them together for 1 day, seperate them and give the mum nesting materials. in 20-24 days you will have 2-24 babies handle them daily from day 2 but be careful, the mums instincts tellls her to guard, so take a smaller box and conner her nicely and she will walk into it and put her in a rat ball or temporary cage while you hold them, it is fun even though they will get killed by a snake, it is a miracle to watch them grow up! But you will need at LEAST 3 cages, 1 for males and 1 for females and 1 for babies, use carefresh or anythings thats not wood based provide food and water and toys, you may get a few rat owners to rescue some too, let them. You will have enough rats and mice anyway... And also they will be fully weaned by 5 weeks, seperate the babies male to female and wait 2-4 weeks to mate her again, they can breed until they are 9 months. you can start at 3-4 months, 4 is reccamended.
But, please treat them nicely!

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