Saturday, September 14, 2013

Informative Speech topics without being persuasive?

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I need to give a informative speech from 5-8 minutes for a college course. It CANNOT be persuasive in any form, and i must be able to show visual aids of some sort. Any easy topics that would be easy to relate a class of young adults to?

The Mystery of Names: Discovering Their History;
Differences in Non-Verbal Communication in Different Cultures;
Insomnia and Its Causes: Blowing the Cover off the Old Mystery;
Sleepwalking. Myths and Prejudices: Do not Wake Him up!;
Something People Never Knew about WWII: Unknown Soldiers and Their Deeds;
Anne Frank: The Girl Who Believed in Peopleâs Good Nature Despite Everything;
Things People Never Knew about Space: Bordering a Sci-Fi Novel;
Recent Discoveries about Neutrinos: Travel with the Speed of Light;
Unknown Inventors: Chester Carlson and His Xerox Machine;
The Entire Story of Higgâs Boson: No Parallel Universe;
M.D. Squad Against Lung Cancer: New Prospects, New Discoveries;
The Invention of a Segway: Down with the Cars of Yesterday!;
In the Light of Recent Fuel Issues: Storage of Solar Energy;
Stem Cells as Probable Solution to Terminal Diseases;
Newest Methods of Child Upbringing: Success and Failure;
âGive Me Liberty or Deathâ: Patrick Henryâs Ideas in the XXI Century;
Barack Obamaâs 2008 Election Speech: Facing Changes;
Einstein about Atomic Proliferation: Against Self-Destruction;
The Apollo 13 Emergency Radio Transmission: 200,000 Miles from Earth;
Richard Jewelâs Speech after Being Wrongly Accused of Olympic Bombing: Pleading not Guilty.
The Threat of Global Warming: Exaggerations, Myths and Actual Danger;
Predicting the Ongoing Economical Crisis: The Problems of 2012 Economics;
Environmental Protection vs. Production and Industries: Compromise Can Be Found;
An Alternative for Petrol Can Be Found: The Hydrogen Engine;
Impact of Wireless Media on the Modern World: Financial, Economical and Political Aspects.
Adoption Procedures Must Be Simpler: Eliminating the Obstacles to Family Creation;
Using Animals for Peopleâs Amusement Must Be Prohibited: The Other Side of Circus;
Gay Couples Must Be Allowed to Adopt Children: Entering the Age of Tolerance;
Early Education Should Be Enhanced: Growing Little Genii;
Toys for Children Must not Be a Propaganda of Sexism: Barbie Is Fed

who thinks with obama weaking our millitary,that korea will blow apart of america up?


i think were living in a very scary age then no somewhat scared for this country and that what biden said will come true.that america will be destroyed from nuclear bombs,or that korea will take part of america out.with obama in i think our not so great country now is true getting weaker and weaker.we really need to get this fraud out in 2012.

I so agree with you. It is scary to think that Obama - this thug from Chicago, is huddled across the ocean with all the world leaders deciding our fate. When these leaders denounced Capitalism and blamed it for the worlds problems - did the American representative - Obama - DEFEND Capitalism? Did he defend our Constitution? Did he defend America and its taxpayers? The answer is a resounding NO!

Obama doesnât care about America! The garden variety leftist attacks our country with every breath, oblivious to the fact that their ability to speak out, to acquire their toys, to travel and protest and whine, are provided by the very system they despise. They know only hate for those who disagree with their Utopian vision of unchecked liberalism. They immediately label as racists any who counter their nonsensical ramblings with the logic of protecting our sovereignty and future. They want but one thing...for their fellow travelers to control Congress and the White House. o_O

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