Thursday, October 31, 2013

I just found out I'm pregnant, can someone please tell me everything I need to know?

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My mind is in such a blurr. I know I have 9 months to sort everything out but I want to be ready. I'm going to make a list of everything I need to have, everything I need to do and of course names. So my question is can you guys just give me alot of advice and hints and tips and such. Like I heard you have to sleep in a certain position but I have no idea what it is. And about certain foods and stuff. Also what will I need, I've started putting together my list but I was you guys to give me one too so I can compare and such. I'm just so very excited I can barely think straight. And I don't even want to start on names, it's going to take 9 months for me to even begin to want to start thinking about them! Haha =] Ok so help me out you guys! And baby dust to every couple who is trying and congrats to everyone expecting.

If your in the UK at your booking in appointment (8-12 weeks) you will be given a white pack with blue spots on, in it the will be an a4 sized book with a pregnant women wearing a purple top on the front, its fantastic for information and will have something on everything you can think of! It does have an equpment list but there are some things you simply dont need so heres my list;

Atleast 7 baby grows (newborn size although 0-3 will last longer)
atleast 7 vests (long sleeve winter baby short sleeve summer)
(remember your baby will need a vest and baby grow for the day and then another set at night!)
3 muslin squares (these are much better than bibs until your baby starts eating solids)
Some socks to wear under baby grow if cold (just a few pairs they should be 0 - 6 months so they will last ages!)
A few warm hats (check the size some places think newborns heads are massive and make them too big!)
A few jumpers or cardies to throw on when cold
some pram blankets
Non bio washing powder should be used for babys clothes as they have delicate skin

Bath time

A baby bath and bath support (i have a plastic shaped bath support for my son and he still uses it at 7 months!)
2 soft sponges (boots ones are really nice and soft)
baby top to toe wash
nappy cream
2-3 soft baby towels
Several packs of newborn size one nappies (you will get money off coupons in your pack)
if you are going to use terries, mothercare do fantastic starter packs, if not there are lots of different plcaes that do deals on re useable nappies
several packs of sensitive wetwipes
nappy bags (wilkinsons white and red packs are 70p for couple hundred and smell really nice)
change mat (i got a change unit aswell although handy they can be costly and you can get on fine without one)


steriliser either cold water or steam (i prefer steam)
Bottles (you can get small ones but the only use them for a little while so your just aswell getting bigger ones) i Had six when my son was newborn but life probably would have been a bit easier with eight)
if you get a cold water steriliser you will need sterilising tablets
if you are going to breast feed you will need (breast pump, nursing bra, support suchion, nipple cream and lots of nipple pads!)
if you are going to bottle feed you will need powder

Cot (cot beds are good as they usually suit the child up to 8 years!)
Moses basket and stand
somewhere to put thier cute little clothes! :)
bouncer chair! (when your baby gets to three months look into a bumbo seat i got one and love it!)
Pram (this is one item you will have to really think about before you buy you need to think about what you expect from the pram and how it will be used day to day ie do you need it to light wieght etc (travel systems are great (careseat, pram and occassionally carry cot too)
safety bits ie socket covers, stairgates etc
cot mobile and afew newborn toys (black and white and red are really good colours for newborn toys as for the forst few weeks that is all your baby can see|!)
eventually you will need a highchair but not until your baby is 6 months or so

i would stock up on medicines aswell (although most arent suitable until 2 - 3 months) It comes in useful in the middle of the night when your child suddenly gets a cough or cold! :)

This seems like loads of stuff but you have a while to get it all ive probably missed a few things out but you will find the things you need as you go along

You will also need a few things for you after your baby is born and for during pregnancy;

maternity clothes (its best to try them on when you start o need them)
good supportive bra
if you get alot of backache a bump support is always good
some pampering treats!
good food!

After baby is born
You will need some disposable pants (very flattering) for hospital and some maternity towels which are the least glamorous thing you have ever seen! and breast pads whether your breast feeding or not your boobs will be very leaky for the first few weeks!

good luck and congratulations i hope this helps


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