Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My son's first trip on a airplain and to a different country?

toddler travel headphones on first headphones sit next to any kiddo listening to headphones ...
toddler travel headphones image

Mean What

I am extremly nervouse for my son. We are goin to be flying to Peru, in South America and this is goin to be a 8 houre flight and I have no clue what to bring on bord for my son to entertain himself. He is 2 . 6 years old and he has a speach delay, he also is very hyper and he hardly ever takes a nap.

Can someone please help me, I'm leaving in 6 days and I don't have our carry on bag ready yet because I am completly clueless. Thank you so much for your time.

When we travel with our 2 year old son, I always buy some new inexpensive toys (cars, books, puzzles, but nothing that makes noise) to play with. Baby Einstein makes these great flashcards that my son liked looking at for hours. It may also help your son with his speech delay. He doesn't get to see the toys until we have taken off and I bring them out one at a time when he gets bored. It is also very important to bring lots of snacks (sugar free if your son is hyper). I bring goldfish crackers, teddy grahams, cheerios and maybe something new that he has never tried. Gerber makes toddler food that you can bring on the plane too, chicken sticks, diced green beans, peaches etc. He may not like the airplane food and a hungry kid on a plane is almost worse then a bored kid. You will be able to get this food through security. Some people may recommend Benadryl to make him drowsy but I have never done that as I personally don't like giving medication if it is not medically necessary. Let him run around the airport a lot before you board the plane as that will wear him out too.

If your son will wear headphones and likes watching videos, you can also get a portable DVD player and get him some of his favorite videos to watch. My son won't wear headphones so we don't do this one.

Where can I find the ULTIMATE packing list for Disney?

Taylor C

I am going to disney world for senior trip from march 17th through march 21st. What is the best packing list for disney online.

There is an amazing list online. Im going to disney in two weeks and this is the list i am using to pack... but here it is
Disney World Vacation Ultimate Packing List

Clothing & Accessories

ï±ï Shirts
ï±ï Shorts/capris
ï±ï Pants
ï±ï Suit/evening outfits
ï±ï Underwear
ï±ï Bras
ï±ï Pajamas
ï±ï Belts
ï±ï Socks
ï±ï Panty Hose
ï±ï Comfortable walking shoes (2 pair)
ï±ï Sandals
ï±ï Dress shoes
ï±ï Pool shoes
ï±ï Flip flops
ï±ï Hair bands/clips
ï±ï Hats/visors
ï±ï Sweatband/bandanna
ï±ï Jewelry/Scarves
ï±ï Watches
ï±ï Sunglasses w/strap
ï±ï Swimsuits
ï±ï _________________
ï±ï _________________

Travel with Babies, Toddlers & Kids

ï±ï Bottles
ï±ï Baby food
ï±ï Sippy cups
ï±ï Plastic pool cups w/top & straw
ï±ï Portable high chair
ï±ï Bibs
ï±ï Diapers
ï±ï Swim diapers
ï±ï Baby wipes
ï±ï Diaper bag
ï±ï Portable crib
ï±ï Stroller
ï±ï Car safety seat
ï±ï Room intercom/baby monitor
ï±ï âSpecialâ blanket/toy
ï±ï Board games
ï±ï Handheld games ï±ï Car window shades
ï±ï Kids ID tags
ï±ï _________________
ï±ï _________________

ï±ï Toothbrush
ï±ï Toothpaste
ï±ï Soap/bath gel
ï±ï Shampoo
ï±ï Hair conditioner
ï±ï Deodorant
ï±ï Contacts/glasses
ï±ï Contact lens solution
ï±ï Sunscreen
ï±ï Lip balm w/sunscreen
ï±ï Face wash
ï±ï Face lotion
ï±ï Body lotion
ï±ï Q-Tips
ï±ï Makeup
ï±ï Make-up remover
ï±ï Nail polish
ï±ï Tampons/pads
ï±ï Foot spray
ï±ï Foot powder
ï±ï Cornstarch or talcum powder
ï±ï Razors
ï±ï Shaving cream
ï±ï Tweezers
ï±ï Nail clippers
ï±ï Nail file
ï±ï Hair brush/comb
ï±ï Hair gel/mousse
ï±ï Hair spray
ï±ï Blow dryer
ï±ï Perfume
ï±ï Kleenex
ï±ï Kids shampoo
ï±ï Kids toothbrushes
ï±ï Kids soap/ bath gel
ï±ï Kids hairbrush/comb
ï±ï _________________
ï±ï _________________

Other Items

ï±ï Batteries
ï±ï Cameras
ï±ï Camera batteries, charger, data cable
ï±ï Film
ï±ï Camera bag
ï±ï Disposable cameras for kids
ï±ï Camcorder w/charger
ï±ï Camcorder batteries & tapes
ï±ï Cell phone w/charger
ï±ï Cell car charger
ï±ï Palm/PDA & charger
ï±ï music/CDs
ï±ï iPod &wall charger & headphones
ï±ï Laptop computer, charger, carrying case
ï±ï Walkie talkies
ï±ï Umbrella
ï±ï Waist bag/day pack
ï±ï Neck lanyard for room key/tickets
ï±ï Beach bag
ï±ï Collapsible cooler
ï±ï Large zip top bags
ï±ï Sewing kit
ï±ï First Aid kit
ï±ï Safety pins
ï±ï Earplugs
ï±ï Insect repellent
ï±ï Antibacterial hand gel
ï±ï Wet wipes
ï±ï Stain wipes/stick
ï±ï Pillows
ï±ï Workout stuff
ï±ï Water sports bottle
ï±ï Waterproof case
ï±ï Night light
ï±ï Pen flash lights
ï±ï Pennies for pressing
ï±ï Pins for trading
ï±ï Books/magazines
ï±ï Playing cards
ï±ï Games
ï±ï Frisbees
ï±ï _________________
ï±ï _________________

Travel Paperwork

ï±ï Plane tickets (make copies)
ï±ï Hotel confirmation
ï±ï Rental car confirmation
ï±ï Cash/credit cards
ï±ï Dollar bills for tips & tolls
ï±ï Checkbook
ï±ï Travelers checks (make copies)
ï±ï Passports/birth certificates (for cruise)
ï±ï Drivers license/IDs
ï±ï Health insurance card
ï±ï Guidebooks
ï±ï Maps/directions
ï±ï Discount coupons
ï±ï Membership cards (such as AAA, DVC)
ï±ï Theme park tickets (make copies)
ï±ï Address book
ï±ï Address labels
ï±ï Stationery/notepad
ï±ï Pens
ï±ï Stamps
ï±ï Envelopes for maid tips
ï±ï _________________
ï±ï _________________

First Aid

ï±ï Prescription medications
ï±ï Moleskin
ï±ï Band-Aids
ï±ï Antibiotic ointment
ï±ï Anti-itch gel/spray
ï±ï Aloe vera gel
ï±ï Antacids/stomach remedies
ï±ï Pain medicine
ï±ï Kids pain medicine
ï±ï Motion sickness remedies
ï±ï Midol
ï±ï Sinus/allergy medicine
ï±ï Eyedrops
ï±ï Vitamins
ï±ï Cough drops
ï±ï _________________
ï±ï _________________
Car Trip Stuff

ï±ï Maps/directions
ï±ï Proof of auto insurance
ï±ï Guidebooks
ï±ï Coupons for road meals & hotels
ï±ï Flashlight
ï±ï Paper towels
ï±ï Wet wipes
ï±ï Cooler
ï±ï Bags for trash
ï±ï Umbrella
ï±ï Snacks
ï±ï Drinks
ï±ï Pillows
ï±ï Blankets
ï±ï Portable VCR/DVD player
ï±ï Movies
ï±ï Drawing boards
ï±ï Travel games
ï±ï New small toys
ï±ï _________________
ï±ï _________________

Laundry Items

ï±ï Laundry soap
ï±ï Dryer sheets
ï±ï Stain remover
ï±ï Laundry bags
ï±ï _________________
ï±ï _________________

Kitchen Items

ï±ï Bottled water
ï±ï Coffee
ï±ï Tea bags
ï±ï Sugar/sweetener
ï±ï Nondairy creamer
ï±ï Instant soup mix
ï±ï Cocoa packets
ï±ï Juice boxes ï±ï Powdered drink mix
ï±ï Microwave popcorn
ï±ï Granola bars
ï±ï Chips/pretzels
ï±ï Crackers
ï±ï Fruit snacks
ï±ï Small cereal boxes
ï±ï Pop Tarts
ï±ï Peanut butter
ï±ï Tuna pouches/kits
ï±ï Pre-measured seasonings
ï±ï Travel salt & pepper
ï±ï Dish soap
ï±ï Dish scrubber/sponge
ï±ï Dish towel
ï±ï Paper plates
ï±ï Plastic utensils
ï±ï Disposable cups
ï±ï Zip top bags
ï±ï Trash bags
ï±ï Paper Towels
ï±ï  Water filtering pitcher
ï±ï Straws
ï±ï Coffee maker
ï±ï Coffee filters
ï±ï Corkscrew
ï±ï Wine stopper
ï±ï Electric skillet
ï±ï Toaster
ï±ï Non-stick fry pan
ï±ï Citronella candles
ï±ï _________________
ï±ï _________________

Day Bag for Theme Parks

ï±ï Theme park tickets (make copies)
ï±ï Drivers license/ID for each adult
ï±ï Cash/credit card
ï±ï Membership cards (such as AAA, DVC)
ï±ï Meal confirmation #s
ï±ï Guidebooks
ï±ï Park maps
ï±ï Camera, film & batteries
ï±ï Camcorder, tapes & extra battery
ï±ï Disposable camera for kids
ï±ï Cell phones
ï±ï Walkie talkies
ï±ï Neck lanyard for room key/tickets
ï±ï Sunglasses w/straps
ï±ï Water bottle w/strap
ï±ï Collapsible cooler
ï±ï Snacks
ï±ï Autograph book
ï±ï Fat pen for character autographs
ï±ï Rain poncho or umbrella
ï±ï Mister fan & extra batteries
ï±ï Moleskin
ï±ï Pain medicine
ï±ï Sunscreen
ï±ï Lip balm w/sunscreen
ï±ï Insect repellant
ï±ï Kleenex
ï±ï Antibacterial hand gel
ï±ï Wet wipes
ï±ï Hats/visors/sweatbands/bandannas
ï±ï Plastic trash bags or rain ponchos for wet rides
ï±ï Large zip-top bags for wet clothes
ï±ï Dry change of clothes for kids
ï±ï Glow sticks & necklaces
ï±ï Pennies for pressing
ï±ï Pins for trading
ï±ï Playing cards or handheld games to keep kids occupied in line
ï±ï Kids ID tags
ï±ï _________________
ï±ï _________________

Day Bag for Water Parks

ï±ï Water park tickets
ï±ï Drivers license/ID for each adult
ï±ï Cash/credit card
ï±ï Waterproof camera
ï±ï Cell phones
ï±ï Walkie talkies
ï±ï Neck lanyard for room key/tickets
ï±ï Sunglasses w/straps
ï±ï Water bottle w/strap
ï±ï Collapsible cooler
ï±ï Snacks
ï±ï Bathing suits
ï±ï Beach towels
ï±ï Earplugs
ï±ï Goggles
ï±ï Plastic pool cups w/top & straw
ï±ï Beach bag
ï±ï Floatation toys
ï±ï Water toys
ï±ï Books/magazines
ï±ï Mister fan & extra batteries
ï±ï Pain medicine
ï±ï Sunscreen
ï±ï Lip balm w/sunscreen
ï±ï Insect repellant
ï±ï Kleenex
ï±ï Antibacterial hand gel
ï±ï Wet wipes
ï±ï Hats/visors/sweatbands/bandannas
ï±ï Swim diapers
ï±ï Waterproof watch
ï±ï Waterproof case
ï±ï Water shoes/flip flops
ï±ï Large zip-top bags for wet clothes
ï±ï Dry change of clothes for kids
ï±ï Kids ID tags
ï±ï _________________
ï±ï ______________

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