Saturday, March 8, 2014

What are some good travel toys? FAST


What are some good travel toys for an airplane with 3 kids. One 3 year old girl, 9 year old boy and 11 year old girl.

oh, and the airplane ride is about 6 hours[two different flights, 1st one 1 hr and the other is 5 hrs and is today


Coloring books, they are quiet. Bring books that you can read to them. If you have action figures or plush toys bring those, as they won't irritate the other passagers with repetative noises. Try not to bring hard plasitcs if at all possible, as kids will be kids and will bang on things with them for noise. Most airlines will have movies on, so that can occupy them for at least an hour (hopefully). Just try to pay attention to them and keep them busy. Play "eye spy" or have them draw you pictures of what they are looking forward too. Lots of ideas, just have to use your imagination, and keep theirs working too!

travel with 2 kids...?

Sexy Ma

what kinds of things should i bring to keep my 4 yr old son occupied? it is a 6 hr and 30 min flight so need tips
sally joe: I do that, my pedetrician even recommened it but bendryl only last for 1 1/2-2 hours with my son

I'm a former Flight Attendant and I fly with my three kids on transatlantics about twice a year.

For such a short flight, you probably don't need to use any drugs. Usually, by the time you get to the airport, check-in, get through security, board your flight (pant! pant!) the kids are so tired they nod off on their own.

I saw it done on my flights. I can't take antihistamines so I can't risk giving it to my kids (family trait so it's genetic, I ended up unconscious in the ER at age 7). Make sure you try it out at home because twice as a Flight Attendant, they made the child wired. These drugs also can make the kid dehydrated. You wont need a full dose and sometimes the drugs make children disoriented and cranky. You don't want that on arrival! If you do the drugs, do them after take-off or immediately after the meal service so that it's well worn off by the time you land.

I was also warned that they can make the child have accidents (since they relax *everything*).

Some parents feel the need to do this because their children are hyperactive or just get overstimulated. Another consideration is naps. Mine, at age 4, had long given those up. I only saw it on really long flights, trans Atlantic or Pacific's.

Please note that it's not necessary to make them drink or suck on anything for take-off and landing. The AAP simply recommends that they be awake not on landing (which is too late) but at the TOP of descent. You'll feel your ears reverse pressurization too and the cabin will be busy with everyone getting ready for landing. Good time to be up, using the restroom for the last time, etc. If either/both fall asleep on the tarmac, as so many children do, please don't unnecessarily wake them up for take-off.

I just found that simple toys worked best. Coloring things, stickers, play dough, pipe cleaners, etc. Make sure to have at least one new toy or book for each. Give them just as you're getting seated and hopefully, these will keep them calm and occupied until you're in the air. You can read to them and mine liked the books with flaps that open.

If you opt for any electronical products, don't give them over until you're in the air, unless you're sure they'll understand that they can't play with them on take-off (tricky one!) Also, make sure they're fully charged and bring the recharger. Be careful with any game chips or cards. They get lost easily. I have a portable DVD player but there are other gizmos that play movies.

Bring snacks and empty sippy cup to fill instead of having them use open glasses. I bring a change of clothes for mine (just a T and shorts) because they still spill.

Please don't stress the sleep issue. No one will complain about a quiet, occupied child. Some parents focus so intently on getting their kids to sleep that when they don't, everyone ends up cranky and frustrated.

On the same vein, please don't mess with their sleep schedules, thinking that getting them overly tired will make them sleep better. It's actually the opposite. Make sure they're well rested to avoid any meltdowns in the airport or at the start of your flight. They need their energy! (and so do you mom so be organized with the packing and don't be up to midnight doing it). You don't need to make my mistake!

For more information, ten years ago I wrote an article on this subject. It's based on both my personal and professional experience of flying with children. It's totally non-commercial and other parents from around the world have contributed;

Flying alone with kids is not my favorite thing to do but if I'm organized and rested, I can handle it. It still beats not going!

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