Monday, April 28, 2014

What dogs make the best (air) travel companions?

Q. I'm trying to compile a list of small dogs that can easily fit under the seat when flying. Preferably this dog would have few health issues as well, so it is safer in the air. As much as I love them, I know that frequently traveling with a pug or bulldog would pose a challenge to their health no matter their size.

I'm looking at Yorkies, Toy American Eskimos, and the Cairn Terrier primarily. I'd like a dog that is more "durable" and wouldn't stress out too easily. I think the Papillon is adorable, but it seems much too delicate.
I should probably clarify that I'm not planning on adopting anytime soon, and I know I won't be able to bring a dog everywhere I go. However, it would be nice to be able to bring my dog when I fly to visit my parents, and other short domestic trips.
I just really like to think ahead.

you are going to be looking for a dog under ten pounds to travel in the cabin of a plane ... i think the toy american eskimo and cairn terrier would be too large as adults to fly in cabin ... a papillon would most likely fit under the seat in front of you on the plane ... and to be honest, it is not a breed thing that can make a dog more "durable" or less easily stressed ... it is all how you train and socialize your dog ... i have flown a few times with my little guy and he is only five pounds and he is super relaxed traveling but that is because i trained and socialized him well from the day i got him ... twice now the airport staff have made me take finnigan out of his carrier to walk around so they could see he was not sedated ... and i told them, he was not sedated, just easy-going and mellow about traveling ... and there are lots of dogs that can travel the same way ... but regardless of the breed you choose, you will have to train and socialize the dog, not treat it like a baby, and then pretty much any dog can travel in the cabin (if under ten pounds :O) ... and do know if your pup grows to even a size that makes the carrier snug, the dog will not be traveling in cabin ... - finnigan in his sleepypod air :O)

Air Travel With Baby Coming Up...Advice Needed?

Q. In July my son will be 9 monthes old and for my mom's birthday we're flying to Pennsylvania to tour Philly for a few days....I myself have ever flown on a plane before but I'm more concerned about traveling with Max.Is there any advice you can give about air travel with an infant?I hear nothing but that it's a pain in the butt.
A few things I'm concerned about are:
Is a diaper bag considered carry on?I don't use a purse,everything's in the handy dandy diaper bag we need.
It will be a few hour flight-we're flying from Portland,OR to Philadelphia,PA,what should I bring for him to keep him busy?
What do I do about his ears popping?
Does an infant require his own ticket to board?Sounds silly and it's not an issue of money I'm just wondering.
Anything else that may be helpful?I'm amking a little booklet of tips and and such helpful things,for when the time comes.

Hello. Here are a few thoughts re your concerns:
It doesn't have to be a pain in the butt. It largely depends on how you can flex his feed/sleep timings around the flight. I used to try and keep my little one awake until the flight, then she'd take a bottle of milk, fall asleep, then wake for lunch which all in all takes up a fair bit of time already.
- Bags. A change bag is fine to take on, within the normal limits of the airlines policy. Some will allow extra baggage for an infant (under 2) but many expect you to have one bag between you.
- Keeping him busy - take a few toys that you know he enjoys playing with - ones that don't make noise! Of course things that pack easily.
- You can get your baby to take a milk bottle during landing and take off (or a pacifier), but with luck he may even sleep through take off.
- He will need to a ticket - but under 2s can travel on your lap - so you'll need to pay an infant fee but not pay for an extra seat. Some people prefer to take pay for an extra seat and take a car seat on board, but you would still need to have him on your lap for take off and landing.
Take as much milk and babyfood as you need for the flight plus a little extra in case of delays. Take snacks that he'll enjoy. Take enough nappies, etc. Wipes are a must, and an extra change of clothes for him and if you have room a spare top for you - just in case!

Happy flying.

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