Saturday, May 31, 2014

infant travel on flight?


Hi there,

I am planning a travel with my 10 months kid to USA. It is about 24 hrs journey and I am afraid, i may run into troubles during travel. Also my child have often complaints of cold & fever. Also she has indigestion problem. Now I have some questions for you for help.
1. What all precautions should I take for a safe travel?
2. What is the checklist to consider mandatorily while travelling with infant?
3. Can I carry medicines during my flight?
4. Which airways would be a good choice to travel from India to US?

Please help me. Thanks for your help in advance.

First and foremost try to fly when your child is not sick with a fever. Even coughs from an infant spread germs that will be circulated throughout the cabin. No matter what advice you get, it's going to be an extremely long journey for the little one because they are not going to be able to stay awake the whole time and you will be calming a screaming baby down at some point. But here are some tips that I frequently give mothers when they are flying with their infants.

1.) Keep the baby awake at all times in the terminal so that you it can sleep for most if not all of the flight.

2.) If you have a stroller that has a car seat attachment, ask the counter agents if you can have a row with an empty seat next to it. If so, bring the car seat on the plane so you can put the baby in his own seat strapped in. This helps out a lot because the baby won't be in your lap for the entire flight! It's best if you book a flight on a Wednesday during a non-peak travel season because the chances of the flight being relatively empty are better! Also try to book yourself on an aisle seat so if you can't get that spare seat next to you empty, at least you'll have an easy way to get to the LAV to change the baby when needed.

3.) You can bring formulas, and other medications on the flight if it's for an infant. Be sure to pack a separate carry on bag with just diapers, food, spare outfits, and some toys.

4.) Unless you're flying first or business class, it doesn't matter which airline you fly. If you're in coach, they all cram as many people as they can in the back of the plane. I would stay away from US Air, Delta, or American. Most of their fleet doesn't have any sort of inflight entertainment systems for you to use while you're not taking care of the baby.

Travel sleeping solution/travel dilemma?

Liz (Tanne

This is a 2 part question.

1. I will be traveling to Florida in February when my son is 8 months old. In general, I have no trouble tossing the baby on the floor to sleep (this is my first) but by then he will be portable and able to move around as he pleases. When I put him down to bed and leave the room, I want to be sure that he's in the same place (and SAFE) when I return. However, I have a problem with the pack and play (too big, too bulky, and really difficult to open and close, in my opinion not to mention a pain in the butt to transport especially now that airlines are charging per checked item!!). Are there any other sleep solutions out there, something that will keep my son contained without him being able to climb out of it but something that is safe and won't collapse or anything else freaky?

2. We are driving to the beach this weekend and my son really dislikes his car seat. I can imagine him screaming for the entire 2 1/2 hr drive. He's 3 months old so I really don't want to give him a dose of Benadryl to help him sleep (I know, it's awful, but I'd probably do it if he were a bit older) but I also don't want to be stopping every 20 minutes to soothe him and I DON'T want to listen to him scream. Any suggestions from moms who've faced this scenario?

1. = try the peapod travel tent for infants to sleep in, its great. I used it for my daughter.

2. I hope you are kidding. DO NOT GIVE A BABY BENEDRYL because you dont want to hear him cry. That is truely awful. I take my daughter everywhere and we travel alot and I have never thought about that. If she cries, i giver he a bottle, a binky, a toy. Sometimes I pull over if needed. But I dont resort to drugs for MAKING my baby sleep

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