Friday, November 8, 2013

Are animals traditionally considered as pets capable of complex thought?

toddler travel food ideas on Gender Neutral Baby Shower {Baby Shower Theme Ideas} - Tip Junkie
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Do these animals enjoy being our pets, or do they only enjoy it because we provide for them. Do they actually love their owners, or do they only love the food that we give them.

Also owls, and any other usually wild animal. Can they be domesticated properly, or will they always believe that they are out of place? Can owls and wolves even comprehend these ideas? I know that they are extremely smart but just exactly how smart are they.

Parrots kept incorrectly suffer greatly- boredom can really take it's toll on such an intelligent animal, they will scream, and resort to self-mutilation such as feather plucking.
But kept right, they can be very happy with people if they receive the attention and mental stimulation they need.
Irene Pepperberg's work over a 30 year span with Alex the African grey parrot proved that they have the mental capacity of a toddler. He could count, identify colors, shapes, and express his feelings.

With wild animals, it is not necessarily that they feel out of place, but that the conditions required to keep them healthy and content simply cannot be replicated in the home. For example wolves, are high-ranging animals, meaning they travel over large areas. This is why you often see animals like wolves and tigers constantly pacing in their zoo enclosure. It is called an abnormal repetitive behavior, and can be alleviated by providing them with behavioral enrichment activities.

If this interests you, I really recommend reading Temple Grandin's "Animals Make Us Human", or Irene Pepperberg's "Alex & Me".

Any tips for traveling 3 hours by train with a toddler?


My son just turned three with a ton of energy. Well be taking a train to chicago and its a 3 hour trip. I'm not sure how to keep him occupied for three hours without disrupting any of the other passengers. And just to keep him entertained to be easier on myself.


I must say that this is going to be challenging but no worries here are some tips I used when I was traveling with my toddler niece in trains. I hope some of these tips will help you.

1. Carry food, milk, water and everything that he is crazy about

If you want to make those 3 hours easy then pick up a backpack bag, put baby wipes, diapers, milk bottles and milk powder/formula in it. If your little one likes ice-cream, let him have ice cream during these 3 hours. This will keep him busy for a few minutes for sure. You must have a spacious backpack bag that can store your stuff as well as his stuff. Check out some good bags on eBay and Amazon and compare them here

2. Take your lappy along

Download some cartoons right away and take your laptop with you. Pack it safely in your backpack along with its charger. You can definitely keep the little one entertained with some cartoons.

3. Pack his favorite toys and encourage him to indulge in various activities if his attention span is short

Take along his favorite toy cars, carry a drawing book and crayons encourage him to color. Chunky wooden puzzles will also be good for the kids of this age. Put on songs if he likes music.

4. Keep him engaged by talking to him

This may sound a little silly but I think that kids can be handled in a better way if you keep asking them to do small things. For instance you can ask your little one, "Can you please hold this bag while I take out the water bottle from it?, Can you please open the bag's zip while I hold the bag tight? etc. All these activities will make his mind think and get tired. He might fall asleep in the last one hour.

I think these ideas will be enough for a 3 hour long trip with a toddler. Try some of them and see what works best for you. Good luck! Have a great trip.

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