Monday, November 4, 2013

How do we decide on having a third baby?

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encroach R

How do we decide on having a third baby? Are kids are just turning 7(girl) & 4(boy). I want another baby, and my husband is on the fence. We both have good jobs, but would like a new home. We both are active people and so our are kids. Currently we take them every where with us, and have always done so. They both started camping and hotel trips by the time they were 6 months old. Would this change with a third? Help!!!

Well, first, you guys are the only ones that can decide if you are "ready". My mother always told me that if you wait until you are "ready" to have kids, you never will. :) And no, the traveling and such wonât change, unless you want it to. You decide what is best for your children, and I personally think that taking the children camping and on trips as a family lets them see more of the world than just their own backyards and is very commendable. Just remember, its just one more person to pack clothes, toys, food, etc. for! Whatâs one more??

A few "cons" to keep in mind.

1. By the time you have the third one, your other two will be in school. So remember you will have day care expenses that you normally would not have, as well as an extra stop on the way home to pick the kids up at 2 different places.

2. Back to the world of sleepless nights, poopy diapers, breast or bottle feeding every two hours, and lugging carseats and diaper bags.

3. If you do not have one already, you would need to consider getting a vehicle that can fit 3 carseats / booster seats. I think the law here is children need to be in a booster seat until age 8 or 80 pounds.

4. When they get older, THREE practices or games to drop kids off at, and usually on 3 different sides of town, and at the exact same time.

5. THREE school fundraisers.... enough said.

6. "Who broke it???" .... THREE shrugs... :)

Some "pros":

1. You get to be pregnant again!!! (Some people it is a con, but for me, I loved it)

2. You already have a boy and a girl, so you should have enough of either for clothing, toys, etc for the new baby, so you shouldnât need to go shopping for anything like that! I would just suggest registering for diapers, diapers, and more diapers. :)

3. The other two are old enough to want to HELP! So you will have yourself 2 big helpers to go grab diapers, or a towel, or a bib, or to help entertain the baby while you cook dinner.

4. In my personal opinion, the more kids, the more well rounded and happy children become! They always have other children to play with, go on rollar coasters with, or go trick or treating with.

5. They also become less selfish (because they grow up having to share everything) and learn to take turns, play nice, etc., a little faster because of the daily environment requiring them to do so. I also think children with siblings develop better social skills with other children.

6. Having children is the best thing I have ever done, and I wouldnât change a thing. Three children is a blessing, and even if it is more work, it is worth it!

Well, just a couple of my opinions! Whatever you decide, Iâm sure you will be happy! Best of luck to you and your family!!

What are some cool toys make for your ferrets?

Day Dr

Im looking for some homade toys to make for my ferrets.

BALLS: tennis balls, ping-pong balls, golf balls, and whiffle balls are all fun to roll around. Ping-pong balls in particular get a lot of action because of their light weight and rapid movement. They also canât be picked up! Avoid rubber or latex balls. At Easter time, plastic eggs can make great ferret toys. Try putting treats into the eggs, too!

TUNNELS: ferrets love to crawl through all sorts of tunnels. These can be made from large cardboard tubes, long mailing boxes, dryer hose, sewer/drainage pipe, irrigation tubing, legs cut from old pants/jeans, or shoeboxes taped together (with holes cut to travel through). My ferretsâ favorite is 20-foot lengths of clear dryer hose which can be purchased at some hardware stores. Be sure to tape up the exposed wire on each end of the tube. Avoid paper towel and toilet paper tubes that can trap a ferret head and suffocate them.

DIGGING BOXES: Many ferrets love to dig, but it can sure make a mess! Purchase a large plastic box with a lid, and cut a hole in the middle of the lid for ferret entry/exit. The rest of the lid will help keep the contents in. You can also attach dryer hose to the hole for even better protection. Fill the box 3/4 way with sand, rice, dried beans/peas, or even shredded newspaper. Avoid minute or precooked rice, which can cause problems if ingested. Some people use styrofoam peanuts, but only let your ferrets play with these under supervision and make sure no styrofoam is eaten. A larger option is a plastic wading pool filled with sand or dirt.

NOISY TOYS: Try filling an empty plastic soda pop bottle with pebbles, jingle-bells, beans, macaroni, or marbles and let the ferrets roll these around on the floor. Empty film canisters can make great rattles, and bells tied in the toe of an old sock makes a great toy. Plastic baby rattles and some rattling baby toys are also fun for ferrets. Crinkly plastic grocery sacks are fun, but supervise your ferrets or cut the corners from the bags so there is no danger of suffocation.

THINGS TO TIP OVER: plastic cups, wastepaper baskets, paper grocery bags, boxes or any container for a ferret to explore is fair game. Make the game even more fun by putting something in the container, such as a treat in one of many paper cups, or wadded up newspaper in a wastepaper basket.

CHASING CHALLENGES: Try tying any ferret toy to a sturdy piece of elastic, and tie the other end of the elastic to a doorknob or heavy piece of furniture. When the ferret tries to steal the toy, it gets harder and harder until the toy returns back to its place! You can also take an old childâs fishing rod and tie ferret toys to the end of the line. Cast, and then reel in the ferrets!

EXPLORATION: With some duct tape, cardboard boxes, and imagination, you can create a ferret castle. Cut lots of tunnel holes in old boxes and start taping them together! Adding cardboard tubes can make things even more fun. When the toy becomes boring or starts to wear out, just throw it away and start again!

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