Friday, November 8, 2013

Tips for travelling with many young kids?

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My best friend had a family emergency and had to go in Vermont from Washington DC and left her two kids at our house.
Something happened and tomorrow we have to go help her there.
I have 3 year old triplets and she has a 3 year old boy and a 6 year old very very active boy, two adults and 5 kids.
We thought about downloading some cartoons on ipads,coloring books for the 6 year old,favorite toys,singing,stop every two hours,snacks.

I would try and get one of those reading-book-CDs for the car, ask the 6yr old maybe what his favourite book is, they have read outs of everybook from How To Tame A Dragon to any number of books.

For the two hour stops, make sure they can stretch their legs and run about. Bring a small ball, or if you have one of those foam tennis sets or foam bats, bring those along, being worn out will help.

Snack wise, Get ones of those crisp bags with a number of different flavours maybe, that means they get a choice.

Singing is a good idea, but must be annoying for you. At the start, get them singing, but you can get some CDs (or download on the ipad, I download them for my toddlers) some of the songs you were planning to sing, they'll be downloadable even if they're wheels-on-the-bus or something. They can sing along with that while you concentrate.

Tonight, get them running all around, and maybe let them go in the car in their pyjamas and don't wake them up fully to get in- letting them be drowsy t the start means they'll go to sleep quicker.

Bring paper and colouring books and pencils for the 6yr old, a selection of favourite toys and maybe a puzzle book for the 6yr old. The 3yr olds might use the colouring books and paper- even if its just scribbles.

My son's first trip on a airplain and to a different country?

Mean What

I am extremly nervouse for my son. We are goin to be flying to Peru, in South America and this is goin to be a 8 houre flight and I have no clue what to bring on bord for my son to entertain himself. He is 2 . 6 years old and he has a speach delay, he also is very hyper and he hardly ever takes a nap.

Can someone please help me, I'm leaving in 6 days and I don't have our carry on bag ready yet because I am completly clueless. Thank you so much for your time.

When we travel with our 2 year old son, I always buy some new inexpensive toys (cars, books, puzzles, but nothing that makes noise) to play with. Baby Einstein makes these great flashcards that my son liked looking at for hours. It may also help your son with his speech delay. He doesn't get to see the toys until we have taken off and I bring them out one at a time when he gets bored. It is also very important to bring lots of snacks (sugar free if your son is hyper). I bring goldfish crackers, teddy grahams, cheerios and maybe something new that he has never tried. Gerber makes toddler food that you can bring on the plane too, chicken sticks, diced green beans, peaches etc. He may not like the airplane food and a hungry kid on a plane is almost worse then a bored kid. You will be able to get this food through security. Some people may recommend Benadryl to make him drowsy but I have never done that as I personally don't like giving medication if it is not medically necessary. Let him run around the airport a lot before you board the plane as that will wear him out too.

If your son will wear headphones and likes watching videos, you can also get a portable DVD player and get him some of his favorite videos to watch. My son won't wear headphones so we don't do this one.

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