travel toys 2012 image
I would like my dog to be transported from Italy to London; I would prefer home to home service by a car eg: pet taxi. Also, I would like to find the cheapest way to do this so if someone could find me a company that would transport my dog from Italy to London cheaply, that would be fantastic. If it matters; he's a chihuahua, about 2 kg's I'd say and he has a passport, and all the necessary vaccinations.
First of all,given the relatively short European distance, I am surprised you do not want to accompany your dog? You could make your dog really comfy and safe in a safety tested dog car harness and dog car booster seat, so he can either curl up and sleep ór stand up in his dog car lookout seat and see out of the window, with you either driving or as a passenger in the car. If your dog has not experienced longish car journeys before, he may become distressed without being familiarised with it, especially without you present or in any pet taxi without the necessary equipment: ie. dog car harness/dog car booster seat I describe. I would highly recommend the XLarge Solvit Tagalong dog car booster seat for your Chihuahua as it will elevate your dog comfortably in the car to see out of the window, can be fitted in any vehicle with headrests and allows space for extras such as favourite dog toys and a familiar blankie to get your dog happy, familiarized and comfy for any longish car journey in any car, whether it be your own or a pet taxi. Any pet taxi you engage and entrust with the welfare of your dog should be prepared to make safe, regular stops for your dog, feed and water your dog and be accountable for not leaving your dog unattended in the vehicle as well as carying and being familiar with the use of a dog first aid kit - a big responsibility and not one I would like to foster onto another without confidence in that particular person.
This company are doing Italy to UK on 26th August 2012
First of all,given the relatively short European distance, I am surprised you do not want to accompany your dog? You could make your dog really comfy and safe in a safety tested dog car harness and dog car booster seat, so he can either curl up and sleep ór stand up in his dog car lookout seat and see out of the window, with you either driving or as a passenger in the car. If your dog has not experienced longish car journeys before, he may become distressed without being familiarised with it, especially without you present or in any pet taxi without the necessary equipment: ie. dog car harness/dog car booster seat I describe. I would highly recommend the XLarge Solvit Tagalong dog car booster seat for your Chihuahua as it will elevate your dog comfortably in the car to see out of the window, can be fitted in any vehicle with headrests and allows space for extras such as favourite dog toys and a familiar blankie to get your dog happy, familiarized and comfy for any longish car journey in any car, whether it be your own or a pet taxi. Any pet taxi you engage and entrust with the welfare of your dog should be prepared to make safe, regular stops for your dog, feed and water your dog and be accountable for not leaving your dog unattended in the vehicle as well as carying and being familiar with the use of a dog first aid kit - a big responsibility and not one I would like to foster onto another without confidence in that particular person.
This company are doing Italy to UK on 26th August 2012
Why are people so mean to Michael Jackson?
Kayla Bieb
I was just wondering. I get not everyone is gonna like you but some people just say the rudest things! I don't think he did anything. He's a very innocent man in my eyes.
For these reasons - hateful, ignorant, stupid or jealous.
I agree, you're not going to like everybody but the level of disrespect is ridiculous.
Ignorant people actually choose to be ignorant. The information is there but they chose not to learn it so they're acting out of their own lack of knowledge. The same knowledge that they rejected. IMO to reject knowledge is stupid. There is hope for this group, as soon as they decide to enlighten themselves, they'll no longer be ignorant.
Now stupid people have other mental issues that cannot be helped. They can look at information all day long but they cannot process it. They are without common sense. I believe that common sense is something that you are born with. For the people that don't have it, well "God takes care of babies and fools." These people are speaking out of their own stupidity and insecurity as well. If I was stupid, I would be a little insecure.
People that are hateful and mean to other human beings usually have very little or no self-esteem and are unhappy with themselves. Trashing someone else is a confidence boost for them but the real problem never gets fixed which is their own miserable existence. The old saying "misery loves company" is very true.
Then you have your jealous folks, which needs no explanation.
Michael was truly amazing! He was greatness. He wouldn't get such a rise out of people if he wasn't.
These are examples of information being available and not utilized:
Some people think MJ was only around boys. Media reports fail to mention the sisters, mothers and whole families at Neverland Ranch and with him on vacation, some which can clearly be seen in photos and video footage. Jordan's mom, June Chandler who was also a blk/asian ex-model traveled with Michael right along with Jordan and his little sister Lily. June Chandler also testified she never witnessed any abuse and didnât recall any stories of MJ with other boys. This information is available and ignored. There's even a video on YouTube of Michael at Neverland with children and parents. http://rhythmofthetide.com/michael-jacksons-female-kid-friends/. A family trip http://www.allforloveblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/lily2.jpg
Some people think Michael was sleeping in bed with strange children. This is not true. Michael was speaking of sharing a bedroom and not a bed. He didn't have a regular size bedroom like most of us have. His bedroom was 2 stories, like a small apartment without the kitchen. Even in the same conversation that some like to reference they leave out the part where he said at least twice that he did not sleep in the actual bed. They also leave out the part where the boy said that âthere was one nightâ he asked Michael if he could sleep in his room and the boy himself said Michael piled up blankets and slept on the floor. The whole conversation about this subject is usually ignored and it's on tape.
Some believe he had a life size doll in his room when he died. This is also BS. Another lie. There is even a picture of his room that is also available. The picture shows a little girls baby doll left in his room possibly by his little daughter, Paris. For God's sake the man had 3 kids. Like children don't leave toys in their parent's room. That is the first thing I thought when I saw it because I knew he had children that age. When it comes to Michael, some act like it's the first time they ever heard of anything.
Some people also think he was a junkie when his autopsy report states he had no drugs in his system other than the medication Murray used that night. The toxicology report even lists every drug you can think of and next to each drug it is documented that they were NOT present in his system. These documents are available to the public on the internet and they are ignored. And let's not forget during the trial every inch of the autopsy was covered for about 2 days and people are still clueless.
Some people ignore photos, video footage, taped recordings, legal documents, court transcripts and believe what they want to believe and see what they want to see which leads me to think they are one of the 4 groups above.
For these reasons - hateful, ignorant, stupid or jealous.
I agree, you're not going to like everybody but the level of disrespect is ridiculous.
Ignorant people actually choose to be ignorant. The information is there but they chose not to learn it so they're acting out of their own lack of knowledge. The same knowledge that they rejected. IMO to reject knowledge is stupid. There is hope for this group, as soon as they decide to enlighten themselves, they'll no longer be ignorant.
Now stupid people have other mental issues that cannot be helped. They can look at information all day long but they cannot process it. They are without common sense. I believe that common sense is something that you are born with. For the people that don't have it, well "God takes care of babies and fools." These people are speaking out of their own stupidity and insecurity as well. If I was stupid, I would be a little insecure.
People that are hateful and mean to other human beings usually have very little or no self-esteem and are unhappy with themselves. Trashing someone else is a confidence boost for them but the real problem never gets fixed which is their own miserable existence. The old saying "misery loves company" is very true.
Then you have your jealous folks, which needs no explanation.
Michael was truly amazing! He was greatness. He wouldn't get such a rise out of people if he wasn't.
These are examples of information being available and not utilized:
Some people think MJ was only around boys. Media reports fail to mention the sisters, mothers and whole families at Neverland Ranch and with him on vacation, some which can clearly be seen in photos and video footage. Jordan's mom, June Chandler who was also a blk/asian ex-model traveled with Michael right along with Jordan and his little sister Lily. June Chandler also testified she never witnessed any abuse and didnât recall any stories of MJ with other boys. This information is available and ignored. There's even a video on YouTube of Michael at Neverland with children and parents. http://rhythmofthetide.com/michael-jacksons-female-kid-friends/. A family trip http://www.allforloveblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/lily2.jpg
Some people think Michael was sleeping in bed with strange children. This is not true. Michael was speaking of sharing a bedroom and not a bed. He didn't have a regular size bedroom like most of us have. His bedroom was 2 stories, like a small apartment without the kitchen. Even in the same conversation that some like to reference they leave out the part where he said at least twice that he did not sleep in the actual bed. They also leave out the part where the boy said that âthere was one nightâ he asked Michael if he could sleep in his room and the boy himself said Michael piled up blankets and slept on the floor. The whole conversation about this subject is usually ignored and it's on tape.
Some believe he had a life size doll in his room when he died. This is also BS. Another lie. There is even a picture of his room that is also available. The picture shows a little girls baby doll left in his room possibly by his little daughter, Paris. For God's sake the man had 3 kids. Like children don't leave toys in their parent's room. That is the first thing I thought when I saw it because I knew he had children that age. When it comes to Michael, some act like it's the first time they ever heard of anything.
Some people also think he was a junkie when his autopsy report states he had no drugs in his system other than the medication Murray used that night. The toxicology report even lists every drug you can think of and next to each drug it is documented that they were NOT present in his system. These documents are available to the public on the internet and they are ignored. And let's not forget during the trial every inch of the autopsy was covered for about 2 days and people are still clueless.
Some people ignore photos, video footage, taped recordings, legal documents, court transcripts and believe what they want to believe and see what they want to see which leads me to think they are one of the 4 groups above.
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