Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What are some good quiet car toys for long trips with toddlers?

best toys for toddlers for travel on ATM Machine Toy
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I have ADD so loud toys in the back seat can be a bit distracting while driving. I thought about coloring books and crayons but if they are dropped she can't reach them because of the safety harness and they can melt when left in a hot car. I am going to get some board books but would like other suggestions.
I'm looking for a bit of a low tech solution.
I'm fine with music, it usually helps me focus really.

Yeah, crayons are a pain in the butt in the car! My car seat is covered with melted crayon, and it doesn't come out easily!

Have you considered DVD players? They're not so noisy that you can't deal with it. And they'll keep the kids seriously busy and quiet. You could even try to get them to wear earphones so that you don't have to hear it at all. But when we travel, we use a laptop to play movies, and connect it to the car's audio system to get great sound.

How long is the trip? If it's more than a couple of hours, plan on frequent stops and carry a good variety of snacks. You'd be surprised how long a bag of fruit snacks or animal crackers will keep a child quiet, especially if it's a favored snack or one she hasn't ever seen but likes.

Any advices for traveling on an international flight with a baby and a preschooler?

Mod W

I am wondering if anyone could give me an advice for traveling on an international flight with a baby and a preschooler? I am planning a trip to visit my family in Thailand at the beginning of next year. My children will be 3 years old, and 4 months old. It is scaring to think about being alone with 2 little ones on a 20 hours flight from US to Thailand. Please let me know. I need an advance suggestions to prepare. Which airline is the best for traveling with the children?

bring some toys (noiseless ones would be very much appreciated by fellow flyers). Try to time your babies feeding so that it is happening during take off. Helps stop ears from popping and therefore no crying.

Bring books to read for them, snacks are good too. you may want to bring a comfy pillow for your toddler as the ones on the plane aren't comfy.

20 hour is an insanely long flight for them. wow! good luck. But just try to bring as many comforts of home and as many things to keep them amused as possible.

Good luck!

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