Thursday, April 3, 2014

Air traveling with a toddler! Help?


We are going on a trip soon with our 18 month toddler. It is a 7-8 hour plane ride. Is there anything we can do it make this trip easier, and any tips for entertaining her? She is very active, and is always on the move, how can we get her to sit in a seat for that long?
Any advice would be great!!

That will be tough. Bring snacks, bring books, bring toys, bring earplugs. Eventually she will get so bored she will pass out. Also their ears may pop on the plane, which is never fun.

How do I bathe my toddler when we dont have a bath tub?


All we have are showers and she has outgrew the sink. Any suggestions?

I use this with my son and it works really well in a tub or a shower. It is very roomy for a toddler to still be able to have lots of tub toys. It's also great for travel because you can easily deflate it. Just put it in on the floor of the shower and fill with water (would probably be helpful to have a removable showerhead). Here's the link:


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