Thursday, April 3, 2014

What are some good quiet car toys for long trips with toddlers?


I have ADD so loud toys in the back seat can be a bit distracting while driving. I thought about coloring books and crayons but if they are dropped she can't reach them because of the safety harness and they can melt when left in a hot car. I am going to get some board books but would like other suggestions.
I'm looking for a bit of a low tech solution.
I'm fine with music, it usually helps me focus really.

Yeah, crayons are a pain in the butt in the car! My car seat is covered with melted crayon, and it doesn't come out easily!

Have you considered DVD players? They're not so noisy that you can't deal with it. And they'll keep the kids seriously busy and quiet. You could even try to get them to wear earphones so that you don't have to hear it at all. But when we travel, we use a laptop to play movies, and connect it to the car's audio system to get great sound.

How long is the trip? If it's more than a couple of hours, plan on frequent stops and carry a good variety of snacks. You'd be surprised how long a bag of fruit snacks or animal crackers will keep a child quiet, especially if it's a favored snack or one she hasn't ever seen but likes.

Traveling with a baby?


My son will be 12 months old by the time I take him home to Georgia to see my parents. Will the airline allow stroller on the plane? Do we have to bring our own baby seat? How do I keep my baby quiet on a 6 hours flight?!?!?

1. Roll the stroller right up to the gate. Someone will put it on the plane for you and it will be waiting once you get off the plane. BUT if you ahev one of those huge baby strollers, it may not fit through their little screaning conveyor. If you can't scan it through that, they will not let you bring it to your gate and it will be a diseaster. So make sure you don't rbign the super duper huge mom at the mall stroller. The next size down will fit
2. If you have a car seat, you will have to pay for his ticket for an additional seat. I have always held my son on my lap and the staff is nice enough to give you some room.
3. Ways that have worked for me to keep our son quiet:
a. manupulate his sleep time as much as possible so he can sleep once on the plane.
b. Bring whatever finger food, toys, favorite juice you can tokeep his interest. With our son, crying is easily stopped when we give him sugary alternative to milk like applejuice or pedialyte.
c. Giving him things he has alwyas wanted but was never allowed to have like cell phones or things w/ lights, bringing a new toy
MOST IMPORTANTLY, you are a mom traveling with a chld doing the best you can. DO NOT feel quilty if other people may be annoyed because you decided to breathe the same air as them.
There are a lot of people with children in this world and I have found that people are a lot more understanding than you may think. Good luck and have a safe trip

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