Thursday, May 8, 2014

Traveling with a toddler?


My son is 2 1/2 years old. He still sleeps in a crib, but is small for a portable crib. We would like to take him to the beach this summer. But what should I do about the sleeping? I know he could sleep in my bed, but I would like him to sleep in his own. Are there any good traveling beds for toddlers? Any suggestion?

You can get toddler air beds with attached sleeping bag. They are usually about £30ish, and come with different designs that I'm sure your son would love (cars, toy story ect..)
I advise you get an electronic pump though, as blowing them up by mouth can be a bloody nightmare!

Air travel with toddler?

m smartie

We will be traveling from Phoenix to Hawaii in May with our almost 3 year old daughter. Im looking for some good tips or pointers to make things easier during our travels. Can you please give me your thoughts as to whether or not we should take our childs carseat onto the airplane with us? We have assigned seating in the middle aisle of the airplane for a total of three seats (myself, husband and daughter.) Any other tips would be great as well. Thanks!! Also the two smallest carseats we have are a Britax Advocate, or a Cheaper Evenflo (lighter), which should be take for our overal trip? We are going for 10 total days

I know a bunch of folks hell bent on carseats on planes...but frankly...1) if you have plane trouble...the carseat isn't going to do you a bit of good. 2) I have never had any luck keeping my child in it. 3) they barely fit in the seats and they are obnoxious to manage.

Bring whatever carseat is safest, regardless of size. Once you get to HI, you install it in the rental car and it's there for two it really doesn't matter which one's lighter're ony going to have to deal with it from landing to car pick up anyway.

As far as actual travel....bring a portable DVD, Iphone with videos, small quiet toys, a favorite story and snacks. That's a long flight, so just be prepared to keep them entertained for the entire my first impulse was to bring brand new videos that they'd never seen, and a few brand new toys and it always took them longer to get bored with the new stuff than the old favorites.

Get there early and board first. They usually let families with small children jump the crowd and get situated before the cattle call of passengers.

Pack a few changes of easy clothes for baby, diaper changes and clothing changes in an airplane bathroom can't be any more impossible and painful than they are now. I used use quart sized zip lock bags to store complete all I had to do was grab a ziplock and they had a onsie, pants and socks ready to go. I still do that with wipes and I don't have to take a 15 pound diaper bag into a stall with me.

I WOULD gate check a small umbrella stroller if you're bringing one...that way baby can be contained and comfy in the airport and the airline folks will have your stroller waiting for you at the gate when you deboard the plane so that you don't have to run to baggage claim carrying a 30 pound cranky baby.

That's about all I can think of at the moment... If I remember anything else I'll pop back in.

Good Luck and have a great trip.

Ooooh Bring a spare Tshirt for yourself. Had an airsick baby once, with nothing to change into afterward. Have packed myself a fresh shirt, just in case, ever since.

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