Wednesday, May 7, 2014

your worst travelling experience?


im sat in dublin aitport bored and waiting for my flight to see my mum in england and i can not stand travelling its so freaking annoying, whats your worst, i need a laugh please x

I have a few. I am pretty much a cry baby or something because all my horror stories involve me thinking I am going to die.

#1- Traveling from San Francisco to Perth Australia, via Hong Kong and Singapore. We encountered severe turbulence- that 747 was getting tossed around like a toy plane- after the flight attendants were rushing about the cabin- then checking in with emergency row people (read the card instructions! I was sitting a row behind the emergency row)- they strapped themselves in. It was scary.

What was even scarier is that the captain came on the loud speaker asking if there was a doctor on board. Turns out the turbulence made some man have a heart attack. We had to do an emergency landing in Tokyo. to get this guy off the plane. Except we weren't supposed to land in Tokyo and because we were international we didn't have clearance to leave the plane and the airport wasn't open so we could land but not take off. We had to sit on the plane from 3:00 AM to 7:00 AM Tokyo time- they opened the doors but still. It sucked. 18 hours on that silly plane until we landed in Hong Kong.

#2- Going to Maui from San Jose- right after take off and the first left bank of the plan- the whole plane shuddered hard- like a car slamming on it's brakes and a loud sound. Then the captain comes out of the cockpit and starts looking out the right side of the airplane at wing. Of course I was sitting on the left side in a row by myself so I couldn't see anything. Pilot looked out the windows all along the right side- spoke to the flight attendants strapped in the middle of the aircraft then went back to the cock pit. So thinking I was gonna die- I unbuckled myself and walked to the flight attendant to ask what was going on. She didn't even yell at me to sit back down - but said the captain thought the right engine took a bird. I walked back to my seat and it was dead silent. The honeymoon couple in my row on the opposite side asked if I wanted to sit with them. Finally the pilot came on and said they are checking all the instruments and if it looks good then we'll go on to Maui if not we'll land at San Francisco. Anyways- we made it to Maui but it was scary and the pilot came back out an actually spoke to me for awhile.

#3- Flight from San Jose to Miami. Miami was having a summer thunder storm. On approach to the airport- we were about to land when the pilot gunned the engine and started to try and take off again before we landed. SCARY! Again- the plane was dead silent. We made it up and landed in Fort Meyers. Turns out there was wind shear or something and the air traffic control diverted 8 planes. I had never experienced a miss approached and never want to again. I pretty much almost had a heart attack.

#4- Flying once from Nashville to San Jose- was stuck next to huge woman who kinda smelled musty and was large she had to left the arm rest to fit in her seat. I was jammed next to her fatness and musty-ness the whole flight back. Ewwww.

#5- A plane from Houston to San Jose couldn't start- so we had no air while the mechanics were trying to fix the problem. So they had to "jump start" the plane. I pretty much almost gave myself another heart attack thinking power would cut off to the plane at some point in the flight AND they were having bad weather in Houston.

#6- on flight from St Louis to Phoenix- there was a ton of turbulence going into Phoenix- so bad in fact that after we landed a little old lady went up to the pilots and YELLED at them about learning to control their plane better because in all her years she never experienced such a lack of control from pilots. That was funny.

Traveling with a toddler?


Do you think I should buy an extra seat for my super energetic 17 months old on the flight from San Francisco to New York? We are flying redeye to NY and coming back in the middle of the day... Do you know if we can take a Toddler car seat ( not the baby car seats) on the plane? How do you make a toddler comfortable on a long flight?

We flew across Australia (not quite as far as NY - SFO) with the two of us (hubby and me), with a 3 1/2 and a 16 month old. We didn't buy a separate seat for the 16 month old. We took turns holding her. The keys are: don't let them nap beforehand (so they're sleepy), plenty of snacks, and simple, hard-to-lose toys like bright picture books. I don't remember great problems. (Though I think we were even lucky enough to get a spare empty seat to use on one flight).

If you're going without a second adult, it might be harder, but that's what we did.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, but I don't know why you'd take a toddler seat. If she hasn't got her own seat, there's no room. If she does, well a 17 month old can sit in a normal plane seat OK anyway.

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