Lillian an
It hasn't been a very good start.
The first time we were 400 miles away from home and my breasts hurt too much to do it so we let her cry and cry and cry while I carried her around, rubbing her back and singing to her. It took an hour.
The next day we had to travel- her in her carseat and I couldn't hold her or rock her to sleep so I just let her nurse.
3rd day we were home and she didn't get it that whole day until night time when she was absolutely bone tired. She nursed 3 mins and fell asleep.
4th day I didn't nurse her until we came back from walmart where several things happened-- never go on fridays after school lets out! I had a stress migraine and let her nurse 2 times. Once for nap, other for night. She went to sleep by herself that night.*
5th day I was having serious gas pains and was too tired to really tell her no and then help her to sleep otherwise so she got it normally. She struggled, but went to sleep again by herself. *
6th day I again had a bad headache and was very tired.
Now I'm on day 7 and im very forgetful like sporadic moments where routine just sets in and I let her nurse a little (habit I tell ya!) and then I distracted her by playing and watching a blues clues episode. She bawls and throws a fit when I don't let her have it and **she will go to sleep at night by me just holding her and walking around but the second I lay down with her (we cosleep) she wants to nurse and by that time its like 11/12 and I'm pooped and she nurses for 3 mins and nods off by herself.
Hubby thinks she should get to nurse at night and thats all and just eliminate day time feedings all together but its easiest at night for her to fall asleep alone. So I am not sure how to go about this. What do you think would work best? Keep in mind she is really attached and has b/f since birth and she is 3 days shy of being 17 months. What are some other soothing things I can do for her other than singing/rocking? I tried a paci/bottle but she hates both. I know it is TERRIBLE to introduce it so late, but I absolutely have to get her off. Breastfeeding hurts like nothing else and I've had a terrible infection and it took forever for them to become unengorged so I have struggled thru it. I am also 14w4d pregnant and I have an irritable uterus on top of all this and the doctor has advised me to wean asap and I have an appt in 2 more weeks and was hoping to wean her by then.
thanks so much for reading!!!!!!!!!!
Have you also been placed on 'pelvic rest' (ie 'no sex')? Because if not there is *no* reason that you should have been told to wean. Intercourse can cause the same type of contractions that breastfeeding does... if you are 'ok' for sex then you are ok for nursing. Many doctors simply don't acknowledge this fact... and are quick to jump to weaning as a solution to every problem.
However... on the issue of toddler weaning techniques I'd look here: http://www.kellymom.com/bf/weaning/weaning_techniques.html
Some of these include things you have already been doing... it is just going to take time to make them work. Distractions, changes in routine... all good. Don't feel bad about nursing her at times... Shortening sessions *is* part of weaning... nursing a little is not a problem. In fact 'cold turkey' weaning is not good for either of you.
If you really feel you *must* cut back... don't feel pressured to do it *too* quickly. Engorgement and infections aren't going to make pregnancy easier even if sore nipples while a toddler nurses during pregnancy aren't the most fun either.
Have you also been placed on 'pelvic rest' (ie 'no sex')? Because if not there is *no* reason that you should have been told to wean. Intercourse can cause the same type of contractions that breastfeeding does... if you are 'ok' for sex then you are ok for nursing. Many doctors simply don't acknowledge this fact... and are quick to jump to weaning as a solution to every problem.
However... on the issue of toddler weaning techniques I'd look here: http://www.kellymom.com/bf/weaning/weaning_techniques.html
Some of these include things you have already been doing... it is just going to take time to make them work. Distractions, changes in routine... all good. Don't feel bad about nursing her at times... Shortening sessions *is* part of weaning... nursing a little is not a problem. In fact 'cold turkey' weaning is not good for either of you.
If you really feel you *must* cut back... don't feel pressured to do it *too* quickly. Engorgement and infections aren't going to make pregnancy easier even if sore nipples while a toddler nurses during pregnancy aren't the most fun either.
What do you do about car seats & strollers when you travel?

I'm thinking of packing up the car seat and checking it in. Then taking an umbrella stroller on board. The problem is hauling the car seat around along with the rest of my bags plus the baby! Is there a better solution? I'm traveling with my 20 month old toddler. Thanks!
This sounds like Deja Vu! I just flew in May when my daughter was 19 months old and I had to think about all of that as well. Here's what we did and it worked great!!! We checked her luggage in with all of the other suitcases because we didn't need it on the plane. She sat on our laps, we didn't buy her her own seat. Is your toddler in their own seat? If so, then they'll have to sit in the carseat. However, at the end of each flight, I would ask the flight attendant if they're able to transport the seat to the connecting flight's plane, that way, when you arrive at the gate to board the plane, it's there and you just have to install it. I would think that they could easily do it! They move luggage to the connecting flight after all!!! As for the stroller, I brought my normal full size stroller because it was more comfortable for my daughter so that she could lay back and sleep. When you check in explain to them that you need to "gate check" your stroller. They'll give you a tag to put on your stroller so that you/they can identify it. When you go to board the plane, you just take out your toddler, break down your stroller, and leave it right there. They'll take it and store it in a special compartment below the plane. When you land, they automatically bring your stroller out so the moment you step off the plane into that connecting hallway, it's right there! It was so convenient and hassle free to fly that way. I know you didn't ask about this...but here's some other flying pointers that worked for me. I went to the dollar store and bought cheap little toys and stuff and I wouldn't let my daughter see it until the day ofthe flight, that way it was something new for her to play with. Also, if you have a portable DVD player I recommend you bring it. My daughter just sat on our laps and watched her movies most of the flights. Good luck flying!!!
This sounds like Deja Vu! I just flew in May when my daughter was 19 months old and I had to think about all of that as well. Here's what we did and it worked great!!! We checked her luggage in with all of the other suitcases because we didn't need it on the plane. She sat on our laps, we didn't buy her her own seat. Is your toddler in their own seat? If so, then they'll have to sit in the carseat. However, at the end of each flight, I would ask the flight attendant if they're able to transport the seat to the connecting flight's plane, that way, when you arrive at the gate to board the plane, it's there and you just have to install it. I would think that they could easily do it! They move luggage to the connecting flight after all!!! As for the stroller, I brought my normal full size stroller because it was more comfortable for my daughter so that she could lay back and sleep. When you check in explain to them that you need to "gate check" your stroller. They'll give you a tag to put on your stroller so that you/they can identify it. When you go to board the plane, you just take out your toddler, break down your stroller, and leave it right there. They'll take it and store it in a special compartment below the plane. When you land, they automatically bring your stroller out so the moment you step off the plane into that connecting hallway, it's right there! It was so convenient and hassle free to fly that way. I know you didn't ask about this...but here's some other flying pointers that worked for me. I went to the dollar store and bought cheap little toys and stuff and I wouldn't let my daughter see it until the day ofthe flight, that way it was something new for her to play with. Also, if you have a portable DVD player I recommend you bring it. My daughter just sat on our laps and watched her movies most of the flights. Good luck flying!!!
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