I will be traveling tonight from Hawaii to Los Angeles for 5 1/2 hours on a plane. What can I give my 18 month old son to sleep that is safe? The plane ride to Hawaii last week was a nightmare. He had a small cough at the time so I gave him Robitussin night time and I thought that might knock him out, but it seemed to have the reverse effect. He was yelling, crying, and full of energy on the plane. When we landed after 5 1/2 hours, I had a headache and people gave me dirty looks. I had snacks and toys for him, but nothing worked. He's 18 months, but 32 pounds. So he's not a tiny toddler and Doctore already told me when I give him medicine of any kind I can move from infant medicine to Children's and dose him as a 2 year old because of his weight. so I hope this helps anyone with what he can take.What can I give him to sleep at least half the ride?
FYI ...I tried putting on blues clues on the plane and it didn't work.
Do NOT plan on giving your child medicine with the hopes of it making him sleep on the plane. This is not only cruel, but dangerous as well.
1.) If possible, buy a seat for your son. Here I talk about it's importance:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AuzCyPcceRfxbsmok0f_jRPty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081016015002AASP55j&show=7#profile-info-qgIGOJQOaa
2.) Pack plenty of things to entertain your son. My children bring coloring books, a Doodle Pad, Leap Pads (+ booklets), & scrap paper. My daughter used to like to bring along a doodle bear & my son likes to bring along action figures. A Rose Art kit is great! It has crayons, markers, coloring books & sheets, & stickers. http://www.megabrands.com/en/products/description.php?product_id=1031&brand_id=36&cat=4&age=.
I take the contents out of the box & place them in a travel pack. Here is my sons:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamie_hassen/2577667314/ - outside
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamie_hassen/2577681352/ - inside
Let your child (I let mine start at age one) pick out his own carry on bag & a few inexpensive toys that will be used only once you are on the plane. Be sure to pick out a few toys without him seeing so that he has an extra surprise when he opens his carry-on.
You can also play games with your son such as I-Spy, Patty-cake, etc. Children love stories, so if you choose to tell him a story, try to make it interactive so he has a part in it.
Usually on long flights the Flight Attendants will come around with a small toy for the children. My children never really cared for the toy (unless it was crayons and coloring book, or playing cards), but it might interest him for a short while.
Movies are also usually played on board, and cartoons are offered for children. Your son might enjoy watching the cartoons, the flight monitor, or even listening to the music.
You could also bring a portable DVD player from home or let him use your laptop. Be sure to bring a few of his favorite movies. As with the carry-on, go to the store and buy him one or two that he would like but has never seen before and save those for the trip as well. If you choose this option, be sure that your laptop is fully charged, or that the DVD player has fresh batteries (you might even want to bring a spare set just in case). Also make sure that you have a headset (headphones) for your son to use so that he can hear without distraction and he doesn't bother you or the other passengers.
2.) Liquid and powder formula, milk, juice, baby food, and water are allowed in quantities over 3oz (100ml). Here is a link that will give you all the details:
Bring Snacks! Just add water packets of food, cheerios, pretzels, goldfish, animal crackers, dried fruit, etc. are great. You can also bring a limited amount of yogurt, cheese, puddings, etc. with you as long as they are in containers less than 3oz (100ml)
3.) Many parents are concerned about pressure changes in their childs ears, but honesty, I've never had problems with my children. In fact, not all children have problems with pressure changes in their ears. The "popping" is what helps to equalize the pressure changes, so it is actually the result you want. What you do *not* want, is for them not to be able to "pop" their ears.
Make sure your child has a check-up with the doctor to ensure he is healthy enough to fly. Doctors recommend that anyone sick (stuffed up or already having an earache), not take the flight. My husband and other pilots do not work if they are sick. If your child seems to have problems equalizing pressure in his ears, here are some ways to help:
For take-offs and landings (the WHOLE way up, and starting from the BEGINNING, or TOP of descent - about an hour before landing), the best ways to alleviate ear pressure are to:
1. If your child is nursing, nurse him
2. Give him something to drink (formula, milk, juice, water - it doesn't matter)
3. Give him a pacifier to suck on
4. Place hot damp towels (usually like the ones distributed to first and business class before take-off and landing to freshen up with - just ask a flight attendant for them) or paper towels that have been soaked in hot water and wrung out, at the bottom of two paper or styrofoam cups, then hold the cups over the ears
5. Gently but with some pressure, rub his neck repeatedly from the chin to the base of the neck. This will cause a swallowing motion that will relieve pressure build-up in the ears.
6. Give him something to eat.
4.) Other tips:
-Keep your diaper bag well stocked with what you will need
-Be sure to pack 2-3 changes of clothes for your son
-Bring any medications that you might need for your child should he get sick or that he takes regularly.
-Don't be afraid to get up and walk the aisles with your child
-Keep your calm. If you get stressed out, your child can pick up on it and it will make the travel that much harder
-Last but not least, if help is offered to you, take it
I've been flying internationally & domestically with my children since they were each 2 months (now 9&6, 11 months and currently pregnant with #4). At least three trips a year are the children & I traveling internationally (14+ hours each way) alone. We do another 8-10 international & domestic flights a year as a family. Due to this, I have written a small article about flying with children that goes more in-depth, gives up to date security rules & regulations for the US, EU, UK, & Australia, offers tips & tricks for the travel, etc.
If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.
Do NOT plan on giving your child medicine with the hopes of it making him sleep on the plane. This is not only cruel, but dangerous as well.
1.) If possible, buy a seat for your son. Here I talk about it's importance:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AuzCyPcceRfxbsmok0f_jRPty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081016015002AASP55j&show=7#profile-info-qgIGOJQOaa
2.) Pack plenty of things to entertain your son. My children bring coloring books, a Doodle Pad, Leap Pads (+ booklets), & scrap paper. My daughter used to like to bring along a doodle bear & my son likes to bring along action figures. A Rose Art kit is great! It has crayons, markers, coloring books & sheets, & stickers. http://www.megabrands.com/en/products/description.php?product_id=1031&brand_id=36&cat=4&age=.
I take the contents out of the box & place them in a travel pack. Here is my sons:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamie_hassen/2577667314/ - outside
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamie_hassen/2577681352/ - inside
Let your child (I let mine start at age one) pick out his own carry on bag & a few inexpensive toys that will be used only once you are on the plane. Be sure to pick out a few toys without him seeing so that he has an extra surprise when he opens his carry-on.
You can also play games with your son such as I-Spy, Patty-cake, etc. Children love stories, so if you choose to tell him a story, try to make it interactive so he has a part in it.
Usually on long flights the Flight Attendants will come around with a small toy for the children. My children never really cared for the toy (unless it was crayons and coloring book, or playing cards), but it might interest him for a short while.
Movies are also usually played on board, and cartoons are offered for children. Your son might enjoy watching the cartoons, the flight monitor, or even listening to the music.
You could also bring a portable DVD player from home or let him use your laptop. Be sure to bring a few of his favorite movies. As with the carry-on, go to the store and buy him one or two that he would like but has never seen before and save those for the trip as well. If you choose this option, be sure that your laptop is fully charged, or that the DVD player has fresh batteries (you might even want to bring a spare set just in case). Also make sure that you have a headset (headphones) for your son to use so that he can hear without distraction and he doesn't bother you or the other passengers.
2.) Liquid and powder formula, milk, juice, baby food, and water are allowed in quantities over 3oz (100ml). Here is a link that will give you all the details:
Bring Snacks! Just add water packets of food, cheerios, pretzels, goldfish, animal crackers, dried fruit, etc. are great. You can also bring a limited amount of yogurt, cheese, puddings, etc. with you as long as they are in containers less than 3oz (100ml)
3.) Many parents are concerned about pressure changes in their childs ears, but honesty, I've never had problems with my children. In fact, not all children have problems with pressure changes in their ears. The "popping" is what helps to equalize the pressure changes, so it is actually the result you want. What you do *not* want, is for them not to be able to "pop" their ears.
Make sure your child has a check-up with the doctor to ensure he is healthy enough to fly. Doctors recommend that anyone sick (stuffed up or already having an earache), not take the flight. My husband and other pilots do not work if they are sick. If your child seems to have problems equalizing pressure in his ears, here are some ways to help:
For take-offs and landings (the WHOLE way up, and starting from the BEGINNING, or TOP of descent - about an hour before landing), the best ways to alleviate ear pressure are to:
1. If your child is nursing, nurse him
2. Give him something to drink (formula, milk, juice, water - it doesn't matter)
3. Give him a pacifier to suck on
4. Place hot damp towels (usually like the ones distributed to first and business class before take-off and landing to freshen up with - just ask a flight attendant for them) or paper towels that have been soaked in hot water and wrung out, at the bottom of two paper or styrofoam cups, then hold the cups over the ears
5. Gently but with some pressure, rub his neck repeatedly from the chin to the base of the neck. This will cause a swallowing motion that will relieve pressure build-up in the ears.
6. Give him something to eat.
4.) Other tips:
-Keep your diaper bag well stocked with what you will need
-Be sure to pack 2-3 changes of clothes for your son
-Bring any medications that you might need for your child should he get sick or that he takes regularly.
-Don't be afraid to get up and walk the aisles with your child
-Keep your calm. If you get stressed out, your child can pick up on it and it will make the travel that much harder
-Last but not least, if help is offered to you, take it
I've been flying internationally & domestically with my children since they were each 2 months (now 9&6, 11 months and currently pregnant with #4). At least three trips a year are the children & I traveling internationally (14+ hours each way) alone. We do another 8-10 international & domestic flights a year as a family. Due to this, I have written a small article about flying with children that goes more in-depth, gives up to date security rules & regulations for the US, EU, UK, & Australia, offers tips & tricks for the travel, etc.
If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.
Camping supply list for camping with a toddler and infant?

ok so me and my partner have a 2.5 year old and im due for another baby in Feb
we've always wanted to do lots of outdoors activities etc and we're thinking that when the baby is a couple months old we might go on a weekend camping trip
(keep in mind we have NO supplies, no tent, no nothing) so from experienced family campers can you give me a list of Must Haves list, you can include some nice to have things in too i guess.
just all the essentials that you couldnt go without and made the experience funner and easier
thanks :)
__Ground cloth/tarp
__Extra stakes
__Shade tarp/poles/rope/stakes
__Axe or hammer
__Mat for tent entrance
__Dust pan/brush
__Sleeping bag
__Air mattress/sleeping pad/cot/tarp
__Air pump
__Repair kit for air mattress
__Utility bags for storage
__Large water jug & water bucket
__Stove with fuel/propane
__Charcoal/firewood/buddy burner
__Dutch oven/tin can stove/box oven/etc
__Campfire grill/BBQ grill
__Fire starters/newspaper
__Tablecloth/thumb tacks/clips
__Plates & bowls/paper plates & bowls
__Silverware/plastic silverware
__Measuring cups
__Heavy-duty aluminum foil
__Paper towels
__Trash bags
__Dish soap
__Clothes pins
__Cooking oil/Pam spray
__Containers for food storage
__Potholders/oven mitts
__Pots and frying pans with lids
__Soap for outside of pots and pans
__Cook utensils-spatula, knife, spoon
__Skewers/grill forks
__Can opener/bottle opener
__Folding table
__Dutch oven
__Pie irons
__Mugs/paper cups
__Mixing bowl
__Cutting board
__Ziplock bags
__Dish pan
__Dish rags/towels
__Scrub pad/brillo
__Potato peeler
__Socks/extra socks
__Sleep clothes
__Rain gear
__Swim suit/towel
__Laundry bag
__Shower shoes/flip flops
__Soap in plastic case/shampoo
__Tooth brush/tooth paste
__Feminine products
__Toilet paper
__Shower bag or 5 gallon bucket
__Camping shower/shower pump
__Other personal items
__Personal medications â take extra
__Lantern with fuel/mantles
__Extra batteries/bulbs
__Bug repellant/candles
__Water filters/purification/treatment
__Camera/battery/film/video (see photo jigsaw puzzles)
__Books/magazines (a Kindle would be better)
__Misc. tools
__Backpack/fanny pack
__Fishing gear/license/bait
__Musical instruments/song books
__Camp chairs
__First aid kit
__Park map/guidebooks/trail maps
__Lantern pole or hanger
__Collapsible drying rack
__Marshmallows, Graham crackers, Hershey bars (Smores)
__Pocket knife
__Plastic grocery bags
__Rope/clothes line
__Canteen/water bottle/coffee pot
__Bungi cords/straps
__Duct tape/electrical tape
__Reservations info./confirmation
__Cell phone/charger & 2-way radios/walkie talkies
__Small shovel
__Safety pins
__Money/ID/credit card/quarters
__Travel alarm clock
__Work gloves
__Hand wipes
__Small sewing kit
__Fire extinguisher
__Hot chocolate/tea bags/coffee
__First Aid Kit
Then pack all baby supplies
__Ground cloth/tarp
__Extra stakes
__Shade tarp/poles/rope/stakes
__Axe or hammer
__Mat for tent entrance
__Dust pan/brush
__Sleeping bag
__Air mattress/sleeping pad/cot/tarp
__Air pump
__Repair kit for air mattress
__Utility bags for storage
__Large water jug & water bucket
__Stove with fuel/propane
__Charcoal/firewood/buddy burner
__Dutch oven/tin can stove/box oven/etc
__Campfire grill/BBQ grill
__Fire starters/newspaper
__Tablecloth/thumb tacks/clips
__Plates & bowls/paper plates & bowls
__Silverware/plastic silverware
__Measuring cups
__Heavy-duty aluminum foil
__Paper towels
__Trash bags
__Dish soap
__Clothes pins
__Cooking oil/Pam spray
__Containers for food storage
__Potholders/oven mitts
__Pots and frying pans with lids
__Soap for outside of pots and pans
__Cook utensils-spatula, knife, spoon
__Skewers/grill forks
__Can opener/bottle opener
__Folding table
__Dutch oven
__Pie irons
__Mugs/paper cups
__Mixing bowl
__Cutting board
__Ziplock bags
__Dish pan
__Dish rags/towels
__Scrub pad/brillo
__Potato peeler
__Socks/extra socks
__Sleep clothes
__Rain gear
__Swim suit/towel
__Laundry bag
__Shower shoes/flip flops
__Soap in plastic case/shampoo
__Tooth brush/tooth paste
__Feminine products
__Toilet paper
__Shower bag or 5 gallon bucket
__Camping shower/shower pump
__Other personal items
__Personal medications â take extra
__Lantern with fuel/mantles
__Extra batteries/bulbs
__Bug repellant/candles
__Water filters/purification/treatment
__Camera/battery/film/video (see photo jigsaw puzzles)
__Books/magazines (a Kindle would be better)
__Misc. tools
__Backpack/fanny pack
__Fishing gear/license/bait
__Musical instruments/song books
__Camp chairs
__First aid kit
__Park map/guidebooks/trail maps
__Lantern pole or hanger
__Collapsible drying rack
__Marshmallows, Graham crackers, Hershey bars (Smores)
__Pocket knife
__Plastic grocery bags
__Rope/clothes line
__Canteen/water bottle/coffee pot
__Bungi cords/straps
__Duct tape/electrical tape
__Reservations info./confirmation
__Cell phone/charger & 2-way radios/walkie talkies
__Small shovel
__Safety pins
__Money/ID/credit card/quarters
__Travel alarm clock
__Work gloves
__Hand wipes
__Small sewing kit
__Fire extinguisher
__Hot chocolate/tea bags/coffee
__First Aid Kit
Then pack all baby supplies
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