Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Traveling with 4 month old infant. What should i know?

Mommy of 2

We are leaving monday for a 12 day trip. first for a week to grandma's house and then 5 days to Disney world. We are flying.

Any advice to come my 4m old on the plane? Any good info to know about traveling with a small infant?
To the comment on to young going to Disney. Yes i believe he is too young to understand Disney. However we plan out vacations a year in advance. It would have broken my 7 years old heart not to be going.

My best advice, after just traveling from NY to Greece with my 4mo: ask for the bulkhead seats and a bassinet. A life saver.

Bring extra clothes in your carry on for the baby. A few toys. Twice as many diapers as you would think, a kitchen garbage bag to cover the changing tables, ziplocs for dirty diapers and a blanket to cover the bassinet.

And Tylenol for you. ;-)

traveling over seas with a 16 month old baby, any helpful hints?

Eric W

My wife and I have been living in China for the last couple of years because of our work and had our child over here as well. He his now 16 months old and we are moving back to America at the end of June. This is our first kid and his first plane trip, the thing is, the plane ride will be about 12 to 14 hours back to America. Have any of you had similar experiences with long plane rides and 1 to 2 year old kids and wouldn't mind giving us some tips on things we can do to keep him calm?! haha Thank you so much for your help!

i just had a 13 hour trip with my 18 month old and 3 and 5 yrs old, any ways , i made a fun bag for them like small backpack filled with diff small toys, you ddon'tneed to take any sharp or metal toys it will be taken from you in the Airport also take some crayons even if he is not into coloring yet it might distract him alLittleand if you are traveling at his bed time go ahead and put him in his pjpyjamashat way he feels more comfortable to sleep. last but not least, try not to think of other people reaction when you r kid get frustrated and they will propably have a tv screen infront of each seat , that also distacted mine a bit, i dont know if you let him watch tv yet or not, but i dont think it will harm him for a little

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