Tuesday, June 17, 2014

traveling with babies?


im traveling to ca from ak with a 2 yr old and 8month old. any helplful advice would be great. dont say not to travel with children. thank you
btw, im flying!

Check with the airlines. They may not allow ANY open items in light of the latest attempts by terrorists. My step-son and his wife just travelled from Guam to Arkansas with a 7 month old (23 hours on a plane). They said it was very difficult on the plane so I'm not going to give you high hopes. You just need tools to help you survive it with the least amount of destruction and stress as possible. Airplane regulations now tend to keep the child in their own seats any time the fasten seatbelt sign is on which is most of the trip. I recommend a single tactile oriented toy (without sound) and a book like Where's Waldo or Highlights magazine for the picture searches. MOST IMPORTANT! Keep the toy you're taking with you on the plane away from the child until the flight so it's new and interesting and special to him or her. You might consider a portable CD player/ tape player with a read-along story book. And ANY time the fasten seatbelt sign is off, let the child and adult walk around the plane if possible. Don't bring a bag full of toys or food. It never works. Remember how little room you'll have to maneuver in those seats. For take off and landing, bring gum or spill-proof cups with juice (if allowed). Liquids may be off limits now.

Traveling with baby?


My husband and I are traveling with our baby in June, by then she'll be 6 months old. Problem is, we have to take a plane first (only a 2 hour flight, so that's fine) but then, to get to our final destination, we have to take a bus for another 4 hours. What would be best? To stay overnight and then take the bus on the next day or just do it all on one day?

A 6 month old is an ideal travel companion.

I traveled extensively with my little girls, often with no other adult, from the time each was two weeks old.

We did long car trips, long plane rides, you name it.

I think you should just go ahead and get where you're going. Your baby will have you all to herself for the whole time--how often does THAT happen? And since you're her favorite plaything, it's all the same to her.

Travel light. Don't pack everything but the kitchen sink. Bring only things that can do double duty (i.e. a sheet can be a blanket, a pillow to prop up your elbow while you nurse, or your baby's head while she sleeps, or a clean place for your baby to sit and play while you wait in the airport). A pacifier, an interesting toy...you'll be fine.

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