Thursday, December 5, 2013

Any advices for traveling on an international flight with a baby and a preschooler?

travel toys for babies and toddlers on Two-in-one lion travel car, baby toddler ride-on toy,baby walker ...
travel toys for babies and toddlers image

Mod W

I am wondering if anyone could give me an advice for traveling on an international flight with a baby and a preschooler? I am planning a trip to visit my family in Thailand at the beginning of next year. My children will be 3 years old, and 4 months old. It is scaring to think about being alone with 2 little ones on a 20 hours flight from US to Thailand. Please let me know. I need an advance suggestions to prepare. Which airline is the best for traveling with the children?

bring some toys (noiseless ones would be very much appreciated by fellow flyers). Try to time your babies feeding so that it is happening during take off. Helps stop ears from popping and therefore no crying.

Bring books to read for them, snacks are good too. you may want to bring a comfy pillow for your toddler as the ones on the plane aren't comfy.

20 hour is an insanely long flight for them. wow! good luck. But just try to bring as many comforts of home and as many things to keep them amused as possible.

Good luck!

What is the best way for a toddler to sleep on a plane?


I will be soon travelling alone internationally with my 16 month old daughter. She will be on my lap. When she was a baby, she could sleep in an airplane bassinet during flights, but now she won't fit. I am wondering, how can I make her sleep longer and more comfortably on my lap? What position would you recommend? She's a bit of a fussy toddler, so I expect it may be hard to put her down.

Also, any other life-saving tips for toddler air travel?

the people who said give your baby benedryl before the flight got a lot of thumbs down, but it really wont hurt. I wasn't too crazy about that idea when I was going to fly with my son at that age for the 1st time so I asked his pediatrician if that's ok. He said yes its totally fine and they told me exactly how much to give. It goes by weight, so to keep your sanity you may want to try it. It wont hurt her, unless she's one of those freakish kids who has the opposite reaction to benedryl and bounces off the walls. toys work for a little bit but cramming a toddler into a small space like an airplane seat confined to your lap.....youre going to want her asleep. As far as what position...I asked the flight attendant for a pillow and then i opened up the little tray in front of me, put the pillow on it and my lap...his head was on my lap his legs up on the tray part. it was a 5 hour flight and most of it went smooth since he was sleeping. When he was awake he kept trying to get off my lap and was kicking the giant guy next to us :)

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