Thursday, December 5, 2013

How much do whippet puppies usually cost to adopt?

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We are looking for a male whippet puppy to adopt and can't find any prices listed online.

The adoption fee varies but that's the least of your worries. If you adopt you will be committing yourself to care for the dog for at least 8+ years, that's where the cost comes in and should there be a major illness or accident the cost could double or triple. As you will note this survey was done in 2004 and costs have gone up since then.


Purchase/adoption fees $646
Spay/neuter $160
Emergency Vet Visits/Surgeries $631
Training Fees/Supplies $340
General Supplies: bowl, crate, leashes $350

TOTAL $2127.00


Food $446
Vet Care (check-ups, shots) $423
Travel $279
Grooming $190
Pet sitting, walking, boarding $223
Toys/treats $217
Ongoing Training $254
Dog events $457

TOTAL $2489.00

Explanatory Notes:

The survey was conducted by the American Kennel Club during a two-week period in July 2004. A total of 1,001 surveyors responded voluntarily to 11 questions.

Respondents were primarily females (76%) between the ages of 35-54 (47%). Many lived in a suburb (34%) or urban area (28%).

Is it possible to buy stuff online and get things delivered to a Hotel Room?


I am traveling to Florida this weekend and I want to buy something online but since I will be on a Hotel, just want to know if anyone has ever received stuff like this.

Sure you can. It's called drop shipping. When you place the order you are usually asked if the "bill to" and "ship to" address are the same or different. In your case just click on "different" and then type in the new "ship to" address.

It's the same thing as grandma ordering on-line from Toys R Us in NYC and having the item shipped to her grand kids in San Diego.

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