Thursday, December 5, 2013

what are the must haves for newborns?

toddler travel bed walmart on Crayola My Team Toddler Bed: Toddler :
toddler travel bed walmart image

pretty in

this is my friends email and she said i could use it. i just need to know some things that my baby cant live without when shes born. i have a tight budget so just the must haves please. and if possible could you put the price and how many of each item i need to buy a month. thank you!

The necessities for a newborn are these:

Diapers (don't buy a ton of newborn diapers because they grow out of them pretty quick. Start with one pack and if you need more, buy them after.) Pampers are about $20 for a box. I'd say we bought diapers every 1 1/2 - 2 weeks at the newborn age) There are cheaper diapers out there too, but we preferred Pampers.

Wipes (Buy in bulk if you can. Trust me you'll use them for everything.) Big box of wipes cost $7-12 depending on how big the box is and the brand name. They will last you a good while and the cheap ones are just as good as Pampers or Huggies.

Onsies and Sleepers. All the cute clothes can wait until later on. Trust me, the baby will spend more time in onsies than anything else.

If you will be nursing, get a Boppy/Nursing Pillow and at least a manual pump. They are a life saver. If you go back to work you'll need bottles and an electric pump. Make sure the pump is for woman who pump regularly. Some are only for occasional pumping and are not as good at keeping up a supply. Medela is great, but also expensive ($250 approx. for a double electric pump, but is worth the price). You can find them used for much cheaper, but you will want to buy all new bottles and pump parts. Replacement parts are not very expensive.

If you are formula feeding and when feeding pumped breastmilk, bottles are a must have. Make sure they are slow flow nipples for a newborn. I suggest buying some decent ones and don't go too cheap. You want some that reduce the amount of air your baby gets, so he/she wont be too uncomfortable after each feeding. It will also reduce spitting up.

You'll want a crib and mattress for sure, unless you will be co-sleeping. A changing table is nice, but definately not a necessity. We will just be using a changing table pad on one of our lower dressers. Crib Sheets, Mattress Pad. No need to buy an expensive bedding set. You aren't even supposed to use the comforter when they are a newborn either. It can cause SIDS, so you really don't get too much use out of it before they want a character bedding set. We bought a toddler bedding set at Walmart for $35 once our son was a bit older. Until then we just used some thin blankets we got from our baby shower.

You'll want a car seat. The hospital will not let you leave without one. The travel systems are a bit pricey, but well worth it. Once that baby is asleep, you will not want to wake him by lifting him out of a car seat.

That's all I can think of right now. Buying things used can save you a ton of money. Try, but make sure things are not recalled and are not more than 3-4 years old. Many items have more safety standards and what not these days. Also, be careful when buying a car seat used. Make sure it has not been in any accidents. I really do suggest buying a new one. Sign up on websites for coupons and offers. Huggies sends out tons of coupons. Pampers kinds sucks with the coupons. If you'll be using formula you'll want to sign up and many will send you checks you can use at the store.

Out of town with small children / infants?


If you are going to be traveling out of town to visit family or friends? Would it be easier to pay a small fee to rent certain pieces of equipment for infants / toddlers or just bring your stuff along on the plane, train or auto? With the rising costs of per bag charges on airlines.. which would you prefer?

It depends. I bought my son a sleeping bag from Walmart when we arrived for $14.00 when I spent two weeks visiting my parents while the baby slept in the bed with me. I always allow them to pack a bag (carryon) with things they like and 9x's out of 10 the family already has fun things waiting for them when we arrive.

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