Monday, January 6, 2014

FL to CA with a 7 and 2 year old.?

travel toys for kids on planes uk on Paper Plane Wash Bag |
travel toys for kids on planes uk image


Okay. Other than taking a deep breath and saying a prayer, how do you occupy the minds of two children on a 6 hour flight? We're leaving next week and I am worried that my children will turn in to pint-sized Damiens and force my fellow passengers to leap off the plane. (They're really not THAT bad....I have just never been on a plane with my own kids.) :)

Make sure to pack plenty of things to entertain your children, such as a few books, toys, Game Boy, Ps2, iPod, a portable DVD player (be sure to bring extra batteries) or let them use your laptop (make sure it's fully charged) with a few movies, and one or two comfort things such as a favorite blankie or stuffed animal. I always bring a small pillow and blanket from home for my children (even now) because I know 100% that they are clean, and my children are accustomed to them.

My children like to bring along their own coloring books, a Doodle Pad, their Leap Pads (with a few booklets), and scrap paper that they can make their own drawings with and play games such as tic-tac-toe. My daughter used to like to bring along a doodle bear when she was younger so that she could draw on that as well, and my son likes to bring along some action figures to play with. I found that buying a Rose Art kit is great! It has crayons, markers, coloring books, coloring sheets, and stickers that they can color. It definitely keeps them entertained!

You can also play games like pat-a-cake, or I-spy, and tell stories to your children as well. If you tell a story, try to make it an interactive one where they have a part in it so they stay interested.

You might also consider going to the store and letting your children (I let my children start this at the age of one) pick out their own carry on bags and a few inexpensive toys that will be used only once you are on the plane. Be sure to pick out a few toys without them seeing so that they have an extra surprise when they open their carry ons.

Bring Snacks! just add water packets of food, cheerios, goldfish, animal crackers, dried fruit, etc. are great. New regulations also allow you to take beverages (including water) from home as long as they are less than 3oz (100ml), -OR- beverages (including water) of any size that you have purchased from the security area onto planes. You can also bring a limited amount of baby food, yogurt, cheese, puddings, etc. with you also as long as they are in containers less than 3oz (100ml)

Before you travel, I always suggest preparing your daughter for what to expect so that she is not caught off guard and scared on the day of travel. You want to make sure that you tell her what is going to happen from the time you get to the airport until the time you arrive at your destination. You don't need to go into any great detail here, but give her something that she will be able to reference when actually traveling. If you are able to, I always suggest doing a dry run of the airport. This provides you with an opportunity to explain to him what is going to happen while she can see first hand what it looks like.

Here is a link that talks about what to expect when flying (also includes information to do at the airport) that may help you out a bit:;_ylt=Ag2EWIVjLu6XrtbsLW0v35Dty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080309151622AAfZgS4&show=7#profile-info-JvoYCwyFaa

I've been flying internationally and domestically with my children since they were 2 months (now 8, 6, and 3 months). At least three trips a year are the children and I traveling internationally (14+ hours each way) alone. In addition to that, we do another 8-10 international and domestic flights a year as a family. I have never had any problems with my children on any of the flights.

I wrote a small article about flying with children that goes more in-depth, gives security rules and regulations for the US, EU, UK, and Australia, offers tips and tricks for the travel, etc.

If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Flying with a 2 year old?


I am flying tomorrow with my 2 year old daughter. It is my first time flying with her. Any suggestions on things I can bring to keep her happy? And car seat or no car seat. I have read so many things about bringing them but I am worried about carrying it on and off the plane. Plus I am traveling alone with her. Thanks..

Pack plenty of things to entertain your daughter: a few books, toys, a portable DVD player (be sure to bring extra batteries) or let her use your laptop (make sure it's fully charged) with a few movies, & 1 or 2 comfort things such as a favorite blankie or stuffed animal. I always bring a small pillow & blanket from home for my children (even now) because I know 100% that they are clean, and my children are accustomed to them.

My children bring along their own coloring books, a Doodle Pad, their Leap Pads (with a few booklets), scrap paper that they can make their own drawings with & play games such as tic-tac-toe. My daughter used to like to bring along a doodle bear when she was younger so that she could draw on that as well, & my son likes to bring along some action figures to play with. I found that buying a Rose Art kit is great! It has crayons, markers, coloring books, coloring sheets, & stickers that they can color. It definitely keeps them entertained!
I take the contents of the kit out of the box & place them in something a little travel pack. Here is what my sons looks like: - outside - inside

You can also play games like pat-a-cake, or I-spy, & tell stories to your children as well. If you tell a story, try to make it an interactive one where she has a part in it so she stays interested.

You might also consider going to the store & letting your child (I let my children start this at the age of one) pick out her own carry on bags & a few inexpensive toys that will be used only once you are on the plane.Be sure to pick out a few toys without her seeing so that she have an extra surprise when she opens her carry-on.

Bring Snacks! just add water packets of food, cheerios, goldfish, animal crackers, dried fruit, etc. are great. New regulations also allow you to take beverages (including water) from home as long as they are less than 3oz (100ml), -OR- beverages (including water) of any size that you have purchased from inside the security area onto planes. You can also bring a limited amount of baby food, yogurt, cheese, puddings, etc. with you also as long as they are in containers less than 3oz (100ml)

Here's a link to a question I answered that talks about the regulations for bringing drinks on a plane for children (I would write the whole thing out for you here, but when I did that, a lot of my answer got cut off):;_ylt=AnKvCt1q1JVJISfMQUsXcyPty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080923182300AAmed6Q&show=7#profile-info-wOyt71znaa

Personally I would bring a car seat because at 2 years old, she is still too small for the seat belts to restrain her properly. If you do not want to bring a car seat for her, there is another device that will ensure she is restrained properly and is approved by the FAA for all phases of flight (taxiing, take off, turbulence and landing), adjusts to fit ALL size airplane seats, and is approved for kids 22â44 lbs. It is called CARES. If you do not travel all the time, at $75 it may be expensive, but you can always rent one off of E-bay for a small fee.

I've been flying internationally & domestically with my children since they were each 2 months (now 8&6, & 9 months), and I am currently pregnant with #4. At least three trips a year are the children & I traveling internationally (14+ hours each way) alone. We do another 8-10 international and domestic flights a year as a family. I have never had any problems with my children.

I wrote a small article about flying with children that goes more in-depth, gives up to date security rules and regulations for the US, EU, UK, and Australia, offers tips and tricks for the travel, etc.

If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

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