Monday, January 6, 2014

Who Has Road Trip Tips?

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Tomorrow I am leaving for the beach we will be on the road for 11 hours. There are kids traveling with us as well as teens and i would like to know any of your tips to keep the children from driving you insane. Also some good non messy homemade snacks we can bring and some games we could play? Or ways to save money on gas and snacks?
-All answers needed

To save money on snacks DON'T buy at gas stations.

Bring your own. Pack a small bag with bottles of water and other drinks, fruit, energy bars etc. Nothing too stodgy though!

Ask the younger children what toys/activities they want to bring.

Play a few games such as spotting registration plates with a certain letter or number, how may blue/green/red vehicles they can count....

The teens should be okay with their iPod, cell phones, dvd's etc.

several questions for traveling long distances with a toddler sorry so long?

awesome mo

a couple friends of mine and i will be taking a road trip next summer about 6 hours away to visit our other friend who is in college in the city we will be visiting. My son who will be around 22 months old at the time is going too. If you have any advice at all, general or specific i will be glad to hear it. I also have some specific questions. We will be going for a week, driving out and back and staying in a hotel, 2 beds all 4 of us in 1 room. We will be driving a toyota rav 4, which is like a sporty suv.
please answer thoroughly and be as detailed as possible and I will be choosing best answer.

1. I am not sure what to do about sippy cups. I thought about taking juice boxes, but I don't want my son sucking down sugary juice that i can't dilute the whole week, plus i imagine he would get tired of that and that would mean no milk or water, just whatever flavor of juice box i brought. Not to mention that i absolutly cannot turn my son loose with a juice box and ESPECIALLY not in the car.He squirts and squeezes them everyplace.What can I do about the accumulation of dirty sippy cups?

2.What are some good travel friendly snacks to take along? either commercial brands or homemade or generic.

3.I have already thought to take some huggies or similar disposable washcloths and a bottle of kids shampoo. any other ideas on how to make bathing time easier while on vacation? i am assuming worst case scenerio is that he will have to shower with and their will be no tub.

4. What can I transport toys in and what can I store them in once were at the hotel? I know we will not be spending tons of time at the hotel but he will need something to play with in the car and before bed or when we are getting ready to go places. I know i will not need a ton of toys but i don't want him to get bored with his selection either.

5.Any other suggestions about traveling with a toddler? Anything I should not forget to take?

also i have never done this sort of thing before so i have no idea how much emergency $ is a good idea to take or anything like that.

Any tips on traveling period and traveling with a toddler will be greatly appreciated.

please star! thank u!

1, Some cartons would be a good idea, but i agree with the sugar concern. I tend to just give my daughter juice at lunch and dinner times. When i go on long trips, I tend to drink water from the sports cap type bottles. My daughter loves drinking out of these too and we normally just share one bottle. Also to save the mess from the cartons, when you've almost finished a bottle you could put the juice from the carton, that way the juice will be diluted too.

2. Raisins, sandwiches cut into little squares. fruit - banana's are out fave.

3. At 22 months, even if there was no bath, you'd be able to wash him in the sink! This will be quite an adventure for him too.

4. I would hightly recommend a Trunki. We fill ours up with toys and my daughter loves it, you can pull them along on it too! If you don't want to spend to much, then just a strong carrier bag would be fine, if you choose the toys carefully, you won't need to bring that many.

5. If you can borrow or buy a portable dvd player, that will make the trip much easier! Also i would very highly recommend tomy aqua draw mini mats. They come in a pack of 4 and are a drawing toy - but the pen is just water so no mess! Kept my daughter busy for hours!

As for general tips... it is very likely that any routine you had will go out of the window as they tend to sleep in the car when you don't want them too for example. So try not to worry and just let him sleep when he's tired etc, it sometimes works out better as you can stay up longer and are not tied to going back to the hotel room for bedtime!

Have fun

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