Tuesday, March 18, 2014

5 hour plane flight with a toddler - any remidies for air sickness and sleeplessness?

Valerie H

I will be taking a cross country flight from LAX to Boston this September with my child who will be 18 months then. This will be her first flight. She is very active and we opted to pay for a seat for her so we can have her in her car seat in the plane - rather than trying to hold her on our laps for 5 hours. I know about the ear popping thing on take off and landing - Im just curious if there is something herbal or a medicine I can give to her to make her sleep or not get airsick on the flight.

Teething tablets are herbal remedies that some parents use to calm babies. They are at walmart and most drug stores.They disolve on the tongue and really chill out your baby. (My child was so chilled that I tossed them in the trash, it kinda weirded me out...)
I traveled with my little one at that age and found that activities for older kids really kept her occupied. We strung beads and played with little lego blocks that are off limits for kids under 3. My little one liked the challenge and the newness of the toys. She is an active little thing, too. A portable DVD helped, as did having her in the car seat. I would not take her out unless it was really an emergency. That way she thinks that it is not even in the realm of possilbilities while riding on the plane. Otherwise you'll be juggling her in your arms and cursing the money you paid for the extra seat.
Lastly, bring you sense of humor and some extra cash. If she is smacking the seats of your neighbors or being really loud, ask if you can buy them a drink. Heck, you have one as well. Those evil stares and whispers turn to praise when you are paying for the booze! Enjoy your trip.

Parents, have your kids ever gotten motion sickness from long car rides?


Our 3 yr old has gotten sick the last two times we've gone on a trip longer than 30 minutes. The first time she threw up and the second time we made it home before she was sick.

Tomorrow we are going to a zoo that is 2 hours away and I want to be prepared. I plan on stopping at the pharmacy when I get off work to see what they have. I assume that they make Dramamine for toddlers. Has anyone ever had to use it? Is it non-drowsy? Is there anything else you've tried, like the Sea Bond bracelets that work?

I don't want her to be sick or drowsy all day. Thanks!
The carseat is in the middle. We don't have a DVD player or anything. She is normally looking out or talking to her dolls or us. Right now my AC is not working so well, so the windows will be partially down.

There are certain antihistamine medications that can be effective in reducing and preventing motion sickness. Antihistamine medications such as Bonine, Antivert, or Dramamine are available over the counter and may be used for mild symptoms.

Herbal and homeopathic remedies are an excellent natural alternative to help relieve all forms of motion sickness. Use herbs such as Zingiber officinalis (Ginger) and Mentha piperita (Mint) to provide digestive comfort. Homeopathic ingredients such as Kalium phosphate, Cocculus and Pulsatilla vulgaris act as a restorative and nerve tonic and helps to promote comfort while traveling.

You may get more info here http://www.healthherbsandnutrition.com/remedies/m/motionsickness.htm

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