Sunday, March 16, 2014

Entertain 3 yr. old on plane?


Hi everyone! I'm traveling with my 3 year old son Henry soon, and I was wondering if anyone has successful methods to keep their toddlers entertained on the plane? I have a hard time keeping him from throwing a fit on planes.

iPad apps? DVD's? Toys?

Thank you SO much! :-)

How long is your flight? I would defenatly bring a portable DVD player. Also go to the dollar store and get a ton of little toys, books, ect., enough to fill a small backpack, and don't give it to him or show him the toys till on the plane. Also get lots of drinks and snacks:)

what are some good idea to keep 2 and 3 year old entertained on an 18 hr flight?


I will be traveling with my 2 kids and the flight is 18 hrs any advice will help :)

Be prepared with lots of little things- as you know the attention span at that age is not long! You may want to do a mix of familiar things and new things. Some things I've seen work well before are:

*Color Wonder (markers only write on the special paper)
*photo book of pictures of people they love, or animals... this sounds unusual, but really does keep their attention
*Play-Doh (1 can... not if the little one will eat it... messy, but if done on the tray table, can be entertaining for a while)
*iPod Touch or iPad- lots of apps for little ones, we really like the toddler songs ones (Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus), the talking animals, Toddler ABC, and, of course, lots of short videos- we've got a lot of Elmo, Backyardigans, etc. on the iPad
*Anything where they can take stuff out and put stuff in- either a small bag with a bunch of little things (toys, whatever you're already carrying)
*Small toys that they like or new small toys that would be a novelty to them
*whatever loveys they use (blanket, stuffed animal, etc.)
*Window seat! Looking out the window.

Good luck! Hopefully they will be enthralled with the whole experience and spend some time just taking everything in, as well.

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