Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What is your 2 year olds FAVORITE toy?

Stacy B

My daughters birthday is coming up and im doing some toy research =p So, what is/was your two year olds favorite toy?

My daughters 2nd birthday is coming up soon too and we have got her a doll and pushcair set, she loves anything to do with dolls and babies at the mo so we got her the graco doll set with pram/ pushcair, highchair, bouncy chair, travel cot, car seat etc etc she is also loving outdoor play equipment such as slides etc. Hope you come up with some good ideas :)

Help on traveling with a 2 year old?


Im planning on going to Mexico from salt lake city in the summer with my 2 year old son. I dont have experience traveling, but Im thinking everything is just going to be complicated and horrible I don't know how to keep my son still for the whole flight what if he wants to get up and run around? also when we stop and switch planes I dont know how to keep him still so I can grab my luggage and switch to another plane? traveling time ranges from 8 hours to 24 hours and Im trying to go cheap

No personal experience on planes but me and my son travel on buses alot. First put him in pjs and no shoes. put the shoes in your lugage or your carry on bag. its comfortable to wear pjs while traveling but not shoe. Take a small kids backpack with a change of clothes (incase he pukes or poops) some snacks if you can... crackers, fruit snacks, anything you can take on the plane without a fuss. a coloring book with 3-5 crayons. that way he cant throw millions of them everywhere or fuss about thousands of different colors. pack some extra diapers (pullups, underwear or whatever he uses). and his favorite toy and some dinky cars... maybe just two. if you can bring a drink as well. you cant keep your son still for the whole flight. you can try but if he cant do it let him walk in front of his seat just block him from going further (a window seat would be best for him cause he can stand and you being in the next seat can keep him confined) if he screams and crys do what you would usualy do to calm him down but dont get stressed about it. if people didnt ant to fly with annoying kids they wouldnt fly.playing with him works or bring a book. if you can keep him from being bored it would be easier. but when the plane stops buckle him up and maybe wait for everyone else. that way your not holding up the line when you grab your stuff and him. especialy since you dont want him getting lost in the confusion. because its a small backpack he can carry it on his back. (if you can get one that will buckle around his waist it would give you something to hold on to him by unless he is good with holding hands, mine isnt) bring something easy for you to cary a backpack or somthing with weels cause your last concern should be your lugage. let him walk to the next terminal cause it will help him blow off some steam. I hope it goes well.

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