Monday, March 17, 2014

Any Tips for air travel with a toddler?

max's mamm

I am going alone to visit my parents. My 20 month old has flown before, but my husband and in-laws were with. I have packed a number of special toys, a video IPOD and snacks. What I would love are specific things that have worked for you. He is super busy!! What would not be appreciated are suggestions not to fly (not an option) or use Benedryl (he reacts)

Bring along new items that he has never seem before. I have taken toy cars (Hot Wheels) , playdoh, & coloring books. Make a trip to the Dollar tree before you go and stock up on small items you think he would like. A good friend of mine is traveling to Australia next month from the eastern US with two toddlers and a newborn. Imagine that. Hopefully your trip is not nearly as long! Good luck.

Can a 6 year old dog travel?


6 or 7 year old toy poodle travel? They can live up to 20 years and most of them live past 12 so the dog is healthy.
in an airplane

travel how far? i have friends who just moved to Australia from the uk and took there dogs with them! if your talking about flying then yes, there are specialty companies that will help arrange transporting dogs overseas, you will obviously need a few jabs, documentation and the dog will most likely be in quarantine for a couple of weeks

if your talking about in the car, then yes your doggy will be fine, either use a dog crate if you have the room or you can buy special attachments for seat belts that secure dogs, both work well, if you already use a dog crate at home then i would advise using that as she is used to it

also, take your dogs favorite blanket/toys/etc in the car with you, that way she will be more relaxed with items she knows and have her smell

we used to own two toy poodles when i was younger, such fantastic dogs, lovely personalities

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