Sunday, March 23, 2014

Any tips for air travel with a toddler?


Taking a 9-hour flight to Hawaii (changing planes 1/2 way through) this April with an 18-month-old, and I'm worried about keeping him occupied, or at least just keeping him from screaming his head off because he can't run around and get into everything!

Children tend to take flying really well. Bring books, a handheld system, crayons, paper, and other small toys that will occupy your boy. Take him to the store to pick out a couple small things that will be his 'special trip' toys that he can't use until the plane is in the air. Try to get a window seat for him, so he can watch all the little houses and cars below. Have him try to pick out boats, and cows, make it a scavenger hunt for him. I spy is the coolest game for young children. Bring ear plugs and/or a sippy cup for help with the popping in his ears during take-off and landing. Bring chewable meds for motion-sickness, and a change of clothes with wipes. Bring tylenol in case he gets sick. I flew from Maine to Tampa w/ one that age. He took it so well I was shocked. If you can, try to get the night flight, that way he is more likely to be tired, and calmer, or sleeping during the flight.

Toddler on planes: car seat or no car seat?


We are going to take a long trip overseas with a 21 month old. I would like to hear from people who have used car seats in the plane or if they chose not to and why? was it "easier" with the car seat or without? It is going to be an over-night flight and we would like her to sleep.
My baby girl, does NOT easily fall asleep in the car seat in the car but we don't often use the car, so that maybe why.
Any tips to make the trip as smooth as possible? (yes, I do have a bag of new toys, food, DVD player, etc...)
but I'm still nervous,..
Please don't tell me to give her drugs, unless it's a natural remedy.
Yes, we got a seat for her in the plane.
I think she would be more comfortable sleeping in the car seat but I am afraid she will be mad because of being strapped in and restrained in her movements.

you will find that most people on this forum are against giving Benadryl or other antihistamines when traveling by plane. At least I have. I have a valerian product by Herbs for Kids which I am going to try out on our next plane trip since I have had success with it when my daughter did not want to sleep once or twice at home. From past travels I would say that if you can get a seat in the plane for your baby, get one. And if you do you will need a car seat at her age if you get her own seat- no way around that. I have done it both ways- on the lap and in her own seat. At 21 months she's going to want to get down, squirm, walk the aisles, etc. I have not always gotten a seat, sometimes money was tight and we just opted to keep ours on the lap. It can make for a long trip. This time I am going to get a Baby B'air harness to help keep our one year old from being able to wriggle out of my arms. She will probably be really angry but there is where you bag of tricks will come in handy. If we could afford to get her her own seat in addition to her 3year old sister's I know the whole thing would be more pleasant. But we can't.

EDIT: the airline will not allow you to have a 21 month old in her own seat without a car seat so you answered your own question. But you will all still be more comfortable having her strapped in that seat then trying to get all over the plane so you made a good decision getting her own seat believe me.

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