Thursday, March 27, 2014

Flying with a toddler?


I'd like some helpful suggestions for flying with my 19 month old daughter.She has traveled with me a lot, about 10 times since she was 6 weeks, and has always been really good, but lately nothing seems to make her settle down. I bring juice, snacks, toys, coloring books, crayons, all her favorite stuff, but she screams and cries (this last time for an hour and a half of a two hour flight!)
I do everything to make she the altitude isn't hurting her ears too bad, like give her her sippy cup to drink on take off and landing.
Does anyone know of something SAFE to give her to make her sleepy? Do doctors prescribe anything for this kind of problem? HELP!


Here's a little last resort idea for after the Dr. said all is well. Of course this age can not have gum in my opinion so try a starbust chew. These things I swear are as close to gum as you can get without it being gum. They need to chew and chew these things to get them soft enough to swallow. Maybe this would help if it is her ears.
Try a small piece of it at home so you know she can handle this type of candy first. You can cut them if you have to so it's just her size. Maybe a candy neckless that she doesn't know you have stashed away will grab her interest also. We bring playdo but, it sounds like you've tried the toy avenue already.
When we traveled with our little once we apologized to everyone as we went down the aisle before the plane even took off so they knew if he started screaming later we were covered. It can be very embarrassing and exhausting to have a little one who doesn't want to be on that plane!
Oh I have another idea. Go buy a cheap portable DVD player. Bring her some movies to watch. They love getting to wear the ear phones and Movies usually hold there interest. Just make sure you have a good battery or battery back up.
Good luck to you and all your fellow passengers

any tips for traveling 14hours by plane with a 2year old?

brian g

It is hard, but it can be done. First, try to book direct. Connections create the possibility of delay and that makes things worse.
Second, bring lots of different, relatively healthy snacks in small ziplocks (& something for slow chewing to help their ears pop-- raisins, etc).
Third, wrap some small toys (hot wheels, plastic junk) and give them out every hour-- the wrapping makes it last longer...
Fourth, bring playdoh. Sounds crazy? It is small and usable on the tray table and nothing settles a toddler like something they can smash between their fingers.
Fifth, bring a box of cheap bandaids. At 2 they take forever to unwrap them and stick them on. They are cheaper than stickers and they'll put them on the plane's booboos, your boo boos, the attendants boo boos.
Sixth, find the friendly old lady on the plane who loves children and hang out in the aisle near her seat...
Seventh, you child may cry... know that you have done your best and just hang in there. Sometimes 3 minutes of loud crying ends with 3 hours of sleeping toddler.

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