Sunday, March 23, 2014

Traveling with a 4, 2 and 1 year old, any suggestions?


We are going to be flying 3 hrs. The older two will sit in their own seats, the baby will be on my lap. I am trying to only have one carry on and my purse. Of course I will need diapers, and wipes. Any suggestions on activities that won't take up too much room in a bag?

special snacks, like sweet stuff they don't normaly get, and small, new toys, that are still exciting, like sticker books, those cool crayola marker books, that only mark in the book, magnetic scenes, like the princess ones where you can arrange all the characters, books, disposable cameras so they can take pictures, and favorite animals or blankets for comfort. Don't forget the tylenol just in case for little ears. Good luck.

How to make a toy telephone to play?


I'm trying to make a toy phone. I was going to make one of those regular phones that children make using two yogurt cups and a string but then I remembered Yahoo Answers and decided to see if anyone has a sugestion on the topic. Maybe there's a way of making it more efficient? Or maybe there are other kinds of phones you can make, more elaborate ones? Thank you!

That's an interesting problem. The wikipedia article about the invention of the telephone lists several "make and break transmitters and electromagnetic receivers" which is what a telephone is.

You can get small speakers at an electronics store, like Radio Shack. These can act as both transmitters and receivers. When you speak into a speaker it vibrates a permanent magnet within a coil which generates an electrical current. If you run 2 wires between the 2 speakers, you might be able to hear the sound in the other speaker but it won't travel very far--maybe a few feet at most. It would be interesting to try.

Good question!

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