Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Baby cries and wont sleep in car?


My daughter is 9 months old. She used to sleep in the car and she seemed to enjoy the car. For the last few months she cries and screams in the car and she wont sleep. She is good for a little while in the car and then the hysterical crying starts. I like to travel and it makes it really hard with a screaming baby. Any thoughts or ideas of how to help her or what I can do?
I do give her toys and it distracts her for awhile, but she will still continue the hysterical crying.

Does she have anything to distract her? Toys or a mirror? Maybe she feels travel sick so can you limit your travels or stop frequently for her to have a. Little break

Is it safe to travel with 5 month old baby across country?

Naomy Rodr

Yes. Make sure you have baby buckled in a correct car seat (if travelling by car, plane or train) and bring plenty of clothes, diapers, wipes, bottles and/or baby food. Bring a baby rusk or something similar for baby to suck on, bring toys that he can't drop such as a hanging toy, to save you having to stop and pick it up all the time. Make sure you change baby's diaper frequently as it isn't very comfortable for them sitting in a car seat in their own pee/poop. Bring diaper rash cream, baby paracetamol, colic medicine if needed, thermometer etc. just make sure you bring EVERYTHING baby may need.

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