Sunday, March 9, 2014

dude ranch family vacation with toddler?


hi everybody

does anyone know about a great dude ranch or farm where we can spend our vacation around may june with our 2 year old.

i would like to find something where there are ponyrides and things to do with the 3 of us. i am not interested in something were they have things for only kids so that parents can do something alone, thats not what i am looking for.

anyone knows of any cool ranch in california or arizona or even somewhere else.

thanks, good to know, do you know anything about farm vacations?

The problem is dude ranches are not made for kids that small, at least not to do activities with their parents. Dude ranches cover a wide range, from real working ranches to resorts with horses. Still the main purpose is to put people on horses and get them out into the countryside. That isn't something for kids that small. Truth is you are at least 3 to 4 years too early for this kind of adventure with your child. When the time does come, I would recommend your child have riding lessons before showing up at a dude ranch, just to be on the safe side.

Sorry don't know anything about farm vacations.

Traveling with small kids is tough in it really limits your options. I took my kids to places like San Diego for the first 2-4 years. Between the pool, beach, zoo and Sea World, they were pretty happy. Of course then I would take another vacation just for me later.

Traveling to Jamaica..........?

ms daisy

Family of four,.. two adults and two toddlers......what would be a good budget for a two week stay?? Excluding air fare??

This all depends on what type of accommodation you seek.
Starfish resort is a nice place for families. $2400 could do for your room there.

If you are looking for a villa a 2-bedroom one can be from $1,000 to $5,000 per week.

You can even opt to stay at a resort one week or at a villa another week. Probably stay in 2 different sections of the island like Negril and Port Antonio or Treasure Beach.

The cost of tours will vary. If you go on 5 tours during that time it will cost you around $1000 for you and your wife. Some tours may not be appropriate for children and many resorts and villas will have a child care facility.

Luck 2 ya!

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