Saturday, March 15, 2014

traveling with 6 month old?

Heaths Mom

coming up in July i am going on a family trip its a good 2 day drive we are planning to make lots of stops on the way just wondering about traveling with a 6-8 month old he will be 8 months but hes behind 2 right now! we going for 3 weeks staying a week at families house and a day or two at others! so just wondering ideas of how to keep him busy and if anyone else has done something like this???

For Thanksgiving I traveled from IL to PA with my 6 month old daughter, it was an 8-9 hour drive, and we stopped every 2-3 hours. She did very well, I was pretty surprised. I made sure she had her favorite blanket on her, comfortable clothes, kept her bottles and bottle warmer close at hand, and a few of her favorite toys. I also sat right beside her the whole time, so I think that made her feel a lot better, had my sister play happy music on the radio (like soft rock or something like that, nothing loud or disturbing). Also, we left around 6 in the afternoon, so it was pretty close to her bedtime, not sure if leaving late is in your plans, but it made it easier because she didn't want to get up and play being so close to night time.

So I basically just talked and played with her and her toys until she was tired and fell asleep. Not sure if this helps any, but I wanted to share my advice! Good luck on your trip.

p.s I would suggest when your ready to go to sleep when at your families home, try to keep your baby close to you in a pack n play or something like that to make him feel more secure because he wont be familiar with the room and area so it may freak him out a little, I'm sure you were planning on doing that anyway, just wanted to mention..

Can anyone recommend any good toys for a 9 month old boy?


I think that my son is really bored when we're at home. He doesn't have many toys (as we've never really felt the need to get them till now). He loves books and has quite a few but I wondered whether anyone could recommend some good toys for him?


The best toy in our baby-toy arsenal has been the Fisher Price Stack and Roll Cups.

We bought them when my son was around 9 months, and he is now 18 months and STILL plays with them. They are versatile (you can stack them in any number of ways, or put two cups together to make a ball), they help teach colors, numbers, shapes, and size, and (best of all) they are BLESSEDLY SILENT. So many of kids' toys make noise, play music, etc, but these are just simple and quiet. These are the one thing we always make sure to take when we travel, and we always buy them as baby gifts. They are only $10 at Toys R Us. Enjoy!

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