Friday, March 14, 2014

traveling with a toddler?


first let me say i put it here cause no one wanted to answer me in the travel section.

Okay, me and my daughter are going just out of the city, from dallas, tx to San antonio.
My daughter is 16 months, and i understand that i dont have to pay for her but, this is what ill have w/ me.

ill be carrying her, and have her backpack/diaper bag with me.
Do i need any kind of identification for her?
ill have 1 suitcase w/both of our things in it, plus her carseat..
i understood from a relative traveling that they weigh your bags, and we all know carseats are heavy! they almost charged my mom 50 bucks for whatever was in her bag a fwe weeks ago!
is this true?

how do i travel with a carseat?
i mean, i picture myself walking thru a crowded airport, holding my daughter in one arm, pulling the suitcase with is somehow holding the carseat!with the other and holding a piece of paper trying to find out where im suppose to be going!!
dont know how im going to do it?
any suggestions?

Contact the airline you will be flying with. They should be able to answer all your questions. You should not need identification for her, but again, ask them this question. Your carseat should be able to be counted as a piece of luggage. Each airline is different with their rules. Good luck!

I will be travelling from Europe with my toddler (we´re american), and will have to pick up our luggage,?


and i will have 2-3 hours to make my connection to a national flight. Question is, which airport would be nicer (shorter lines,less people, nicer staff, easy to get around,etc): Dulles International or Chicago O´hare?
Also, what´s the Toronto international airport like? we may connect there on our way back to Europe.

Definitely O'Hare. Avoid those "people movers" at IAD.

I'm a former Flight Attendant and I flew to those airports a lot. I also was stuck in security so long once, flying alone with two small children that I missed my non-stop and had to fly through Dulles instead. It was snowing and those people movers were cold...

Toronto is fine as a connection point too. Find out what formalities you have to go through when you get there. I "pre-cleared" Customs leaving there as a passenger so when I arrived in the States, I simply walked off the aircraft as if I were arriving from a domestic flight. That was nice!

If you're alone, I recommend you have some sort of carrier for the toddler when going through U.S. Customs. I've used a sling and a backpack. Don't depend on getting help through there and you have to claim all your bags even if flying on to somewhere else. You need to be able to load all your gear on to the cart and push it. Have the child "attached". If using a stroller, fold it up and put it on the cart with the luggage.

After you clear Customs, look for the signs to "Connecting Flights". Your bags will already be tagged to your final destination. Hand them over to the airline personel who will send them on to your connecting flight (there are counters with those baggage belts behind). Then you can open up the stroller and put the toddler back in it before walking to your connecting flight.

I'm glad you've given yourself enough time. It might take up the whole 2-3 hours to do all that on your return. For your departure, it'll be much eaiser but that extra time will mean that your first flight can be delayed without stress. Remember that you have to go through security at all connections now.

Here's a TSA page you might want to check out about kids and security;

I fly transatlantics about every 6 months, alone with my three kids. The youngest just finished her 6th round trip, plus all the other shorter flights we do a year. I wrote an article on the subject about 8 years ago since I have both the practical and professional experience with this adventure. I put it on a blog to share with other parents, many of whom have contributed over the years. It's totally non-commercial.

Feel free to visit;

Have a good trip!

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