Sunday, March 9, 2014

What are some good travel toys?


I am going to be taking my baby girl on a very long flight. She will be 13 months old by then. Do you have any recommendation for toys she would like but will not bother and annoy the other travelers? Also toys that are not too messy or small... since she still sticks everything in her mouth! Thank you so much!

I've taken several loooong flights with my 3 year old, the first one when he was 6 months old!

We take Hot wheels, books with stickers, small board books and I'm not sure what it's called but it's a spinning light that little ones are fascinated with and is quiet! You can probably find it at any store (I've bought one at Walgreen's) but here is what it looks like...

I also have taken small plastic animals or people, like the Duplo stuff and we play & pretend to have them talk. I always make sure he doesn't see ANY NEW stuff (usually just 1 or 2 items) before we are on the plane, and hold back one thing for the return. It will hold her attention longer!

Don't forget to carry on some small snacks, two change of clothes for her and a clean shirt for you (just in case she spills on you like my son did last trip!) I always made sure I had water for take off & landing so my son would swallow & relieve the pressure in his ears. Also when my son was still in diapers I would put two diapers on him, so when I had to change him I just slipped out the dirty one & the clean one only had to be fastened.

I'm sure she'll do great with you there to entertain, cuddle, care & love her! That's the best way to keep her as happy as possible!

What are some good travel toys? FAST


What are some good travel toys for an airplane with 3 kids. One 3 year old girl, 9 year old boy and 11 year old girl.

oh, and the airplane ride is about 6 hours[two different flights, 1st one 1 hr and the other is 5 hrs and is today


Coloring books, they are quiet. Bring books that you can read to them. If you have action figures or plush toys bring those, as they won't irritate the other passagers with repetative noises. Try not to bring hard plasitcs if at all possible, as kids will be kids and will bang on things with them for noise. Most airlines will have movies on, so that can occupy them for at least an hour (hopefully). Just try to pay attention to them and keep them busy. Play "eye spy" or have them draw you pictures of what they are looking forward too. Lots of ideas, just have to use your imagination, and keep theirs working too!

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