Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Can I put adult toys in my checked bag?

Q. I am going to abroad for the summer and I am wondering if it is possible to put my dildo in my checked baggage? Will I get in trouble? Is it legal?

Traveling abroad means going through customs, possibly having luggage searched. Are you sure you need that dildo for the trip?

Opinions Needed Please on Airline travel with 16 month old!!!?

Q. I will be traveling by plane on a pretty short flight (3 hrs) with a 16 month old - in your opinion - should I pay for his own seat or just let him sit with me? Has anyone done this? If so, do you have some advise for me?? My son is very active, and I dont know how Im going to get him to sit still for this flight!!

When I traveled with mine, I brought a backpack full of new toys, little snack bags of cheerios, goldfish, etc, as well as lots of wipes for quick clean-up.
We arrived at the airport with extra time to spare, so that she could run around and use up her energy before boarding.
She traveled on my lap...generally speaking, everyone will try to avoid you like the plague, leaving seats around you, and you will have the use of these seats without paying the extra adult fair.

My pediatrician recommended cold medicine(with decongestant and antihistamine) one-half hour before boarding, to dry up fluid in the Eustachian tube (btw. ear and throat), making flying much more comfortable, as well as giving them something to drink during take-off and landing.
The cold medicine made her drowsy, and she fell asleep by the time we hit cruising altitude, and woke up when we bounced on the runway...and the only time she played with her things was while we were waiting to take off.
I packed an extra outfit for me...t-shirt, shorts, bra and panties, and three extra for her...life savers if she spills something all over both of you, or, if you get stranded over-night in an airport!!
I also always brought two or three of those little fleece receiving blankets (I got mine @ Wal-Mart). They roll up small enough to stick into a pocket of the back-pack, and are useful for everything, including an instant bed anywhere....and are cheap enough to throw out if something gets on them! I think they retail for $3 or $4...and go on clearance for $1 at least once or twice a year!
I also made sure that I had an umbrella stroller that fit into the overhead, so that I could take it onto the plane...when boarding and leaving the plane, especially when we had to hurry to make a connection, that stroller made all the difference in the world. Even if she insisted on being carried, we were able to pile everything else in the stroller!!
One more travel hint...Zip-Loc bags! (freezer type, because they are sturdier!). I pack outfits in separate bags for ease in grabbing things out of the diaper bag, and they are worth their weight in gold when you have a stinky outfit, and can seal it up so everyone on the plane doesn't smell it! I use them for everything...toys, food, frozen juice boxes, clothes, wipes, etc.

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