Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I am Traveling with my baby girl (20 months old) its a 3 hour flight during the day...?


Are there any thoughts or suggestions on how to keep her occupied? Our flight leaves mid-day like i said, she is very active and gets bored very easily. Are there any thoughts? ANY IDEA IS A GOOD stumped!

Planes usually have toys to hand out to the little ones, and if they don't, bring as many of her fave toys as you can in your carry-on baggage. Favorite blanket, milk (You can't bring your own water, you have to get water from the cabin crew.), and just play with her whenever she asks.

Letting her listen to the music they have on the plane might help. Don't panic, breath, and everything will be fine.

It's only three hours, after all. It's not that long. Have fun on your flight!

tips on a road trip with a 20-24 month old?

Q. This summer, my friend and i will be driving out to visit our friend in college and it will take about 5 hours 1 way. depending on when we go, my son will be about 20-23 months old (he turns two in sept.) any tips on what to take, what not to forget and what to bring extra of? also does any 1 know what the best way to transport toys is? He will definatly need toys to play with in the morning and in the evenings.

just any tips on traveling long distances with a toddler would be welcome. i have never done this at all let alone with a toddler so i don't really kno where to start.


I have taken a few trips that long with my two-year-old, it really wasn't that bad. He will probably fall asleep at some point during your trip. I brought along a small backpack just for my daughter that had several toys in it for her to play with. I also brought along snacks and a small cooler with drinks. I would recommend stopping 2-3 times to let him out of his car seat to run around and stretch his legs a bit, let him expend some energy. I find that 10-15 minutes per stop is usually sufficient to give my little one a break from riding in the car, plus a 30-45 minute stop for a meal.

As for the best toys, I pack a book or two for my daughter, some crayons and paper/coloring book, favorite stuffed animal, a few new smaller toys (like little Dora dolls or something), etc. I would recommend packing anything that he likes that isn't too big and won't make a mess. New toys are great because they seem to occupy little ones for longer than old toys, and you can buy a few for cheap at a dollar store.

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