Monday, April 21, 2014

Traveling with a toddler?

Q. So we are leaving later this week to drive to go see family. This normally takes 16 hours, but we have split it into 2 days so make it easier for our 18 month daughter. Any suggestions about things we can bring to make it less boring for her? We have already mapped out all the spots we can stop and places that might be fun for her along the way.
Or do you think it would be better to try to do it in one shot? When it was just my husband and I, we just drove straight through. I just thought it might be easier on her to not have to spend 16 hours straight in a carseat.

I would do it in one shot. Bring her favorite toys, some music perhaps a good supply of snacks and liquids, announce an animal you see as you drive by, like "oh look, theres a" I took my 2yr old son on a trip from South Dakota to Arkansas in one trip which was 24 hours. I did all that, and would take a break and stretch every 4 hours or so. He did just fine.
These days you also have the option of portable dvd players you can just strap to your headrest and put in an educational movie as well.

Traveling with a toddler?


I'm going on an 18 hour flight with my daughter who will be 2 in a couple of months. Insane, yes, I know. Any ideas of what to bring with me to occupy her during the waking hours? I'll be bringing some books, and videos on an iPod, and thinking of a travel magna-doodle. I'm looking for ideas that have worked with you and your kids.

The best thing to do for your toddler is to get her prepared for the flight. Tell her about the plane , takeoff, noises to expect etc. Bring her pajamas to sleep in and favorite toys etc. It's a good idea to have a variety of toys and games so that she is constantly excited about new things. You might even like to bring some phenergan which is a mild analgesic sedative ( not sure what you call it in the US) that a lot of parents give to their children to help them relax inflight. There can be so many distractions that it can be difficult to settle them.
You might like to invest in some eye shades and air plugs not only for her but for yourself. Have a favorite pillow etc and all the things you will need in a handy carry on bag that you can have at your feet (under the seat in front of you).
Also you might like to get some assistance to board the plane. They pre board a lot of mums and wheelchair bound passengers which will give you time to settle into your set well before the other passengers get on board.
Good luck it won't be as bad as you think. Other people around you will help out if the see your struggling.
PS I was an international flight attendant with Air New Zealand for 25 years

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