Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Help with toddler and traveling?

Amber j

My daughter and I are going to be staying with family for a few weeks or months, and we will most likely be taking a charter bus there. I live in fort wood Missouri., and they live near Austin Texas. The trip would be 17 hours. My daughter is 18 months old, I know I will not be able to hold her the entire trip, are there any tips any one could give to make this trip easier and safer for her? Please don't just say" don't go" I would fly but don't have enough money.

I would pack up as many new toys as you can. Just dollar store ones. Candy and chocolate come in handy in real tantrum emergencies. Toddlers need to run and move. I would talk to the driver too, he might have some ides he got from other parents, like racing to the bathroom or something. He will also help for safety, and comfort issues. Planes are very understanding of babies, and im sure buses shouldnt be any different. Good Luck!

tips on traveling with a toddler please...?


i'm going to travel with my daughter in April, she'll be 19 mo and i'll be 6months pregnant.. there will be just the two of us, and i'm sort of nervous since it'll be a relatively long flight (about 8.5 hours)
i can just picture my daughter wanting to go and talk to EVERYONE on the plane as if she's known them for years!!!
any tips on how i can keep her entertained for that long or just tips on traveling with a toddler will be greatly appreciated...


Wow! 8 hours! That sounds hard I know how you feel. The best tips I can give are:
* Snacks (goldfish, crackers, raisins)
* Crayons and Coloring books and paper
* Play-doh (Usually keeps them busy for about an hour or so)
* Regular toys (Dolls, Barbie, stuffed animals)
* Games or Puzzles
* Movie, If there isn't an on board movie a mini dvd player (about 70.00 at Wal-mart)
* Picture books or Regular books ( Some kids love looking at their baby books)
* A new toy! Something they have been wanting for a long time, so there is some of that new feeling. I go to the dollar store and get a whole bunch of junk. Then we hide it under the seats, between and under luggage, and we do a pretend
"treasure hunt" So there is always something new to play with or find and I've only spent 20 dollars or so.
* Sing songs ( Obviously, not to loud)
That's about all I can think of. Normally, I try to get my kids special snacks and silly toys or games from the dollar store. So if we lose something it isn't a huge deal and I can keep switching things every 15minutes. Have a great trip!

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