Sunday, April 6, 2014

traveling with a 6 month old?


My husband and I are planning a trip from Maryland to Illinois in May when my child will be 6 months. We would like to drive. it should take 10 hours non stop. We do plan on stoppin mind you... LOL so I know it will take longer. We want to leave in the night so that she will be sleeping most of the way. What I want to know is does anyone have any suggestions for making our trip easier?
We are staying in a hotel for three nights. So any suggestions on how to get her comfy there would be nice as well. She has only stayed outside of my home once and it was a nightmare. She didn't sleep at all.
BTW: my husband works third shift, so we are used to him working while I take care of baby... We plan on him driving while I do my magic and then when we get there, he will sleep for a few hours before seeing his family. And she will still be rear-facing so the DVD is out of question...

I live in TX and my family lives in Fl we travel about six times a year. It is a 12hr trip. I would definately reccomend traveling while the baby is sleeping. It makes the trip so much easier. I also sit in the back by the baby, so I can talk to her and give her toys to play with. IF the baby has a favorite blanket or toy make sure to have it handy. Have the babyfood at room temp and all ready to go. If you formula feed you can purchase a plug in bottle warmer. I breastfeed, so we would just have to stop so I could feed the baby. Good Luck!

tips for plane travel with a 7mth old?


is there anything you can't take on a plane babywise?
does baby spend the entire flight on your lap?

I'm a first time mummy who has only been on short trips a few times many years ago - and never with a baby! i'm very, very nervous!!

The first time we traveled with my daughter she was 6 months old. So i brought a couple of things alone. They gave us a seat to put the car seat in so we could take her out but she spent most of the time sleeping.

As bad as it sounds we tried to pretty much wear her out before getting on the plane. I brought a bottle filled with formula and her favorite toy and my nursing blanket. We had a four and a half hour flight she fell asleep before getting on and woke up in the beginning. I tried to bottle feed but she didn't take so sadly I nursed her in the airplane bathroom. She slept for the remainder basically only waking up in the end but we played with her toys.

It was hard but we did pretty good. Best Wishes!

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