Sunday, April 6, 2014

Jealous Toddler?

Q. We have a 2 year old boy and a 13 year old girl living with us.

In 2 days, we are going to Italy, to get our 2 year old daughter, that we are adopting.

The 2 year old boy is jealous.

I think because she is getting a lot of stuff.

We are buying her a bunch of toys and everything for her carry-on.

Should we buy him some new stuff?

We travel a lot and we have the money to buy it for him.

-Bella's Mom (I am using my daughter's YA name)

I would say yes, buy him a gift! And it is normal for him to be jelous because he knows that he is your 'baby' and now he has competeion! so be sure to give the new little girl attention, but dont forget him! Make him feel special, and tell him what a big boy he is and he will be the 'big brother' it is ok to exagerate!
good luck! if you need any more help let me know!

Traveling to Europe with Active and Fussy toddler? AND ADVICE PLEASE!?

Tracy B

My husband and I are going to Europe to visit his family for a month in Romania. We are bringing our 13mo old son. He is overall a good boy but is teething right now and has moments of fussiness for no reason. The flight leaves at 5:00. He usually naps during the day between 1 and 3:30 or 12 and 3. So one problem already arising will be we will have to be to the airport 2-3 hours in advance of 5:00 which means we would have to leave during his nap time. I bought the tickets 6 months ago when his nap schedule was different but prices were best. Other then this he is usually okay until around 7 when he gets cranky, he recently dropped his 7-8:00 nap so he will more then likely be up for that too on the plane. People have told me to bring our portable dvd player but he wont wear the headset =( he pulls it off. He loves to snack so I plan on bringing lots of things for him to chew on. The flight initially is 9 hours nonstop to Germany where we will arrive (Our time) around 2:00 in the morning. Then we have a 55 min layover until the final flight to Bucharest which leave around 3:30am (Our time) we live on the East coast. ET. We then have the final 2 hour flight to Bucharest, we will arrive between 5:00-6:00 am our time. So basically I know it's gonna be a rough flight for all of us. I doubt I will get any sleep because our son stays up till 11-12 at night at home, he is VERY active. I have heard to try Benadryl but I am nervous about that, I am considering it but still not sure. Any tips about this trip that could help? Should I bring a pillow or will the airline have them (Lufthansa). Can I bring juice or water for him? He loves vitamin water. What toys could I bring that will distract him but not drive the other people around us crazy with noise and have a bunch of pieces? He also HATES being restrained, will I have to buckle him in my lap during take off? Also I am still breastfeeding him, can I breastfeed him during take off to help calm him down? Sorry this is so long I am just so nervous!

Make a goodie bag to the other passengers with candy, earplugs, jigsaw puzzles etc, silly little things, magazines (can find cheap secondhand). It will be appreciated.

For him you have his toys, toothbrush (worked wonders on my kids when teething), books, a bottle he can drink from when taking off and landing so his ears wont hurt, crayons, a pillow, a blanket he can sit on on the floor because you will be put at the Emergency exit since they usually put kids there because of the legroom and he can sleep on the floor. Ask them about that. The juice and water depends on the rules these days but on how much you are allowed to bring on a plane. And yes, he will be sitting in your lap for takeoff. Breastfeeding is great.

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