Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to deal with toddler on a 4 hour airplane ride?

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good travel toys for toddler image


Any advice if you traveled with a toddler? The only problem is that she'll get bored too easily and start throwing a tantrum, she doesnt cry at all, only when she doesnt get what wants lol.
she will be 13 months,
Noo! Shes only 13 months she cant watch tv, are you crazy.

I once went on a 21/2 hour plane ride with my husband and 18 month old. We didn't buy him his own seat to save money. That was mistake #1 lol....get her a seat to buckle her in. She doesn't have to sit there the whole time but it will help. Bring toys, books, snacks, drinks,etc...actually not sure if you can bring a drink but you know what I mean...and lolipops! Break out one thing at a time, not all at once so she has enough to entertain her the whole time. Try to get her a window seat. That might be entertaining to look out the window. :)

Ideas for activities to keep 2 childen under 3 busy on a 16 hour international flight?


We have flown this before with both of our kids, but one was just a 3 month old so he slept the whole time. Now he is 1yr 4months and has a lot more energy. I need some ideas of toys or games I can make with simple craft supplies, as we don't have much along the lines of travel toys here in the Philippines. If anyone knows of a website that has simple to make ideas, please leave a link, thanks



Just googled it real quick... hope they'll help!!!
Good Luck and "enjoy your flight"

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