Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Is the website Aupair World legitimate and trustworthy?

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I am applying for a aupair job in UK through the website Aupair World. Some families have already contacted me willing to hire me. Can I trust them and should I give my personal info. If someone knows anything about this website please share your thoughts. Anything is valuable :)
Here is a link to the particular website:

P.S I am European citizen, from Bulgaria!!!


Hello, the site seems pretty legitimate but there are other concerns I would have using their service, especially if this is your first au-pair stay. Changes are you would find a nice family, everything would go smooth, and you'd have lifetime of memories but chances are things could go terribly wrong and you could be on your own with little or no money and no one to turn on for support.

I myself traveled the world as an au-pair for several years and enjoyed every single bit of it. I met many girls who had the same pleasant experience. I also met those who did not. Some girls experienced serious difficulties co-living with their host families. Sometimes things just don't click right.

One girl I knew could not get along with the children. No matter what she did, they would not take her seriously and they would constantly making fun of her because her knowledge of English was not perfect. In the end the parents asked her to leave.

Another friend of mine did not connect well with the children. The kids hated the fact she made them do homework before they could play, she made them pick up their toys before they could go watch TV and other things you'd think are normal. They ended up saying to their parents she hit them and even though it was a big lie, of course the parents believed the children and told her to be out in 1 hour.

Yet another girl was promised to work 40 hours a week looking after children and ended up working 60 hours weeks cleaning the house, doing the dishes, ironing and hardly ever had a chance to actually spend time with the children. She felt like a cheap labor and left the family after 3 months.

I am not trying to scare you or make you feel uncomfortable. As I mentioned being an au-pair can be a very rewarding experience and I am so thankful I had a chance to participate in the programs in Europe and USA. I just want you to be aware that things don't always go smooth and unless you have previous experience with extended stay abroad, you might want to consider using an Au-pair agency, at least for the first time you go.

It usually costs little bit more to go through an agency than finding family on your own but then you have the piece of mind that if your host family is not a good fit, they will take care of you and assist you in finding more suitable family.

I also noticed that the families who arranged their au-pair through agency treated the girls little bit better. They had to pay lots of money to the agency too and they are willing to invest more dedication to make the relationship to be successful. I mean I met some nice families who found their au-pairs on their own but generally speaking such families know they can easily find reasonably cheap replacement so they just don't seem try as hard.

Wishing best luck finding great host family and if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me any time.

Flashback-vey: Can you answer these few questions?


Using only PICTURES? (post links to photos as answers)

1. Where were you born?
2. What is the first show on tv you remember watching?
3. What kind of hair style did you have at age 9?
4. What was your favorite toy as a toddler?

1. Where were you born?
2. What is the first show on tv you remember watching?
3. What kind of hair style did you have at age 9?
4. What was your favorite toy as a toddler?

: )

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